Sentences with phrase «sense of numbness»

If you suddenly have a sense of numbness or pain in the hands, legs, feet or hands, it could be a sign of hypothyroidism.
Then, this overwhelming love is replaced with a sense of numbness.

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Symptoms of poor circulation can be tingling or numbness in the feet, legs and feet may start to feel cold, and an overall sense of fatigue.
This leads to a loss of senses and the area can get a tingling sensation and numbness in some cases.
However, a seizure can also be as subtle as numbness of a part of the body, a brief or long term loss of memory, seeing sparkling or flashes, sensing an unpleasant odor or a sensation of fear and total state of confusion which in some cases leads to death during seizure.
The painting, whilst it carries an overwhelming sense of the enormity and significance of the event, avoids spectacularizing it, instead evoking an existential numbness, sadness and incomprehension.
In - between movements of recurrence and scattering; personal accounts and blurred vision; wear and tear; overwhelming and numbness, a heterogeneous whole is built where senses are either assertive or elusive, but likewise prone to prompting experiences of new forms of influence on onlookers.
ROC analyses indicated that three of four separation distress symptoms (e.g. yearning, searching, loneliness) had to be endorsed as at least «sometimes true» and four of the final eight traumatic distress symptoms (e.g. numbness, disbelief, distrust, anger, sense of futility about the future) had to be endorsed as at least «mostly true» to yield a sensitivity of 0.93 and a specificity of 0.93 for a diagnosis of traumatic grief.
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