Sentences with phrase «sense of smell»

Cats and dogs have keen senses of smell used for exploration.
When dogs belonging to the same family are separated for a while, they use sense of smell to catch up on things.
And the researchers didn't check whether the children even had a good sense of smell in the first place.
I think babies must have very good sense of smell too as sometimes she won't even try it at all if it's not a nice recipe.
Even before nausea kicks in, some women develop an extremely - heightened sense of smell.
Babies have a strong sense of smell from birth.
Babies generally have a more sensitive sense of smell as compared to adults.
The class will focus on developing your dog's hunting drive by combining his amazing sense of smell with his love of food and toys.
In any case, a selective breeding produced a retriever that is active, very resistant, that has an excellent sense of smell and a true passion for water.
That acute sense of smell allows them to identify and savor each ingredient, every tiny molecule, and perceive flavors in ways we can't even comprehend.
The senses of taste and smell are linked, and your baby has a well - developed sense of smell at birth too.
Before using oils in a diffuser or homemade spray, remember that less is more — pets have a far greater sense of smell than humans and are therefore more sensitive to scents.
One popular theory is that a dog's superior sense of smell helps to predict an imminent seizure.
Throughout the last 55 million years of evolution, primates have lost their sharp sense of smell in a trade - off for better vision, according to current theories.
If you think that cucumbers are too bland for your canine companion, you should remember that dogs have a very powerful sense of smell.
And the best performer had a far more sensitive sense of smell, likely able to distinguish more than a thousand trillion odors.
Their keen sense of smell helped humans in finding food sources and wild animals as well.
Those with the poorest sense of smell in 2006 were three times more likely to have died by 2011 than those with normal smell function.
Your baby's sense of smell plays an important part in her development.
Some of the changes associated with aging that can have an effect on nutrition include reduced sense of smell, decreased sense of thirst, eating alone and difficulty chewing foods.
Studies show that pregnant women also have an enhanced sense of smell, which theoretically serves to protect the unborn baby from foods that are potentially harmful.
It has a sharp sense of smell which allows it to locate the prey at a safe distance without striking them.
The human sense of smell is surprisingly accurate, but odors are enigmatic and hard to describe.
These characteristics in addition to a sharp sense of smell make the breed great hunting dogs.
Search and rescue dogs have great agility and exceptional senses of smell and hearing.
A Swedish study suggests that people in their middle age or older suffering from impaired sense of smell are more likely to die within 10 years.
Dogs have an amazing sense of smell so having the new dog smell as similar to your pack as possible, will definitely help the transition process.
They then use their own sense of smell to evaluate the results, rather than sophisticated analytical equipment, as one might imagine.
The intuitive and powerful capability of the canine sense of smell has several wonderful applications in the field of medicine.
Dogs are blessed with a remarkable sense of smell and can identify scents 1,000 to 100,000 times better than humans.
Previous research has shown an association between sense of smell and disease progression of up to four to five years.
Far more sensitive are dogs, whose sense of smell is so acute that they can be trained to detect the subtle scent of a cancer developing in the human body.
Babies usually have a very good sense of smell right from the birth and they recognize the mother's smell within a week after birth.
In week three, kitten sense of smell continues to develop.
This increased sense of smell has a lot to do with your pet's response to being at the veterinarian.
After three months they compared them to mice with intact senses of smell that had been following the same diets.
Given its superb sense of smell, the bee quickly learned to associate the smell with food.
When you keep your dog's diet interesting, you engage that wonderful sense of smell and keep that little brain churning away.
Your cat's sense of smell provides him with important information, helping him to both detect potential threats and feel secure in his environment.
Their outstanding sense of smell means they excel at tracking and make excellent search and rescue dogs being used by both the police and military over the years.
They mostly rely on their impeccable sense of smell, which can be highly developed.
It is paramount that your cat's box be kept as clean as possible — remember that cats have a much stronger sense of smell then we do!
Cats have a far superior sense of smell compared to humans.
Sense of smell taps into the parts of the brain that contain memory and emotion.
Here are 10 simple ways to stimulate your baby's burgeoning sense of smell.
Your baby's delicate sense of smell will help you calm her down and let her fall asleep faster.
By looking at the two genomes, scientists confirmed a genetic basis for the mouse's mighty sense of smell.
Could fading sense of smell mean death is closer?

Phrases with «sense of smell»

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