Sentences with phrase «sense of the future»

Even after a few investments, you should have a better sense of future market trends.
These are just a few of the topics discussed in Making Sense of Futures Options.
In middle - class situations people engage in sex just as much, but there's a different sense of future.
The renewed sense of a future within these communities is a powerful reminder that sustainable wild fisheries are possible --- and need not exclude the men and women who depend on them.
So even as they live together, they must grapple with the big question about the future — which, when settled for a couple, provides immense benefits to relationship quality because a clear sense of a future together changes how people treat one another in the present.
That's not easy to do, but it will give us a better sense of future potential than looking at historical statistics that bear the marks of an unusual period that is little like the present.
If Christianity remains tied to a common sense from the past and does not adapt and reach out to the common sense of the future it will become a mere historical relic.
It is in these proliferating developments in and around Amazon that one might glimpse a more subtle sense of the future of books and publishing than that provided by Stone's rather narrow focus on the soured partnership between book publishers and Amazon.
I'm walking away from here, not only enriched and with knowledge but with a sense of being part of a great group of people and a whole new sense of future.
Since most of these online calculators use a statistical program called Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), you might easily get a false sense of the future due to the problematic assumptions which drive the MCS results.
«Painting is where these symbolic languages or forms somehow crystallize and reveal their ancestry — and that in turn shows a certain sense of future possibility.»
«We can see real seeds of contemporary art — a real sense of future,» he adds, «because China is so experimental, the most experimental place in the world.»
Absent the public sense of a future in which human resourcefulness and cooperation can make a decisive difference, we assuredly face an even more difficult future in which denial fades to a sense of pervasive hopelessness.
To live without at least an open - ended sense of future (even if it's not an optimistic one) is to open one's self to a morass of conflicting impulses — from the anticipated thrill of a reckless plunge into hedonism to a profoundly demoralizing sense of hopelessness and a feeling that a lifelong guiding sense of purpose has suddenly evaporated.
Children who have experienced trauma often have a foreshortened sense of future that can leave them feeling hopeless and vulnerable to high risk behaviours.
The improved income property software gives investors a better sense of future income potential for both commercial and residential properties...
The payoff will be a clearer sense of the future: whether the methane rise is a long - term trend, driven by climate change, or a blip that could reverse next year.
To make sense of his future, Cron must confront his past, and his journey is packed with the kind of heartbreaking and beautiful stories that stay with you for a very long time.
In a time of the triumph of doubletalk, the substitution of statistics for facts, the exaltation of the medium over the message, and the erosion of a sense of the future, the role of the imagination and its uses in our common life, particularly religion, needs our continuing attention.
Finally, imagination is a necessary ingredient in perceiving our sense of future.
It avoids fixation on particular symbols that would end up shrinking our sense of the future to a size too small for our deepest aspirations.
But if our fixation on a particular imagery is too exclusivist, then our sense of the future decays into a restrictive obsession with the sheer givenness of things.
What I'm loving of myself is my past experience, and my sense of future experiences.
(A word about the Elves — certain kind of Elves and other characters such as Gandalf the wizard are best seen as analogous to angels in LOTR — they have a higher mission, and may have some sense of the future as agents of divine providence).
Adventure means, first of all, a sense of the future, and the sense a present event enjoys of its relevance for the future.
These workers lack occupational identity and a sense of the future as uncertainty becomes a way of life.
Legal Clips, available every day and complemented with a weekly edition every Thursday, is an unparalleled immersive experience for people who need to be current on new developments, require a historical perspective and get a clear sense of the future.
Others felt that students have «no sense of a future, no direction, no light at the end of the tunnel.»
They have destroyed my life in the sense of my future plans & lifestyle.
Ultimately, someone with a sense of the future, and a drive to invent it into existence, needs to be at the helm to make things happen.
This sense of the future — one that is at once unknowable and surprising and yet so entwined with the past and present as to be remarkably foreseeable, predictably and perpetually pending — is at the core of Upritchard's endeavor.
The exhibition captures a sense of future visions for human - animal relations.
There needs to be a vision that accommodates both the truth of the coming cataclysm and the profoundly human need for a sense of future.
From a more personal viewpoint, an acknowledgement of the reality of escalating climate change plays havoc with one's sense of future.
«There's a sense of future certainty developing which is influencing decision - making in the corporate sector.»
it brings a sense of nostalgia, a sense of reclaiming and reusing and a sense of future.
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