Sentences with phrase «sensing magnetic fields»

In contrast, flies without Cry receptors did not show a preference for the magnetic field under any light condition, providing some of the first experimental evidence that cryptochrome plays an important role in sensing magnetic fields, the researchers report online this week in Nature.
Since the brain operates electrically, one can, by sensing the magnetic fields created by neurological currents, monitor the activity of the brain — or the heart.
«This brain area wasn't exclusively used for sensing magnetic fields but instead it's being used to perhaps see at night,» says Jarvis.
In the process, a strong magnetic field is applied to food to magnetize the metal fragments inside, and subsequently, these metals, if they are contained in the food, can be detected by sensing their magnetic fields using SQUID sensors.
It's not sight or smell that allows this amazing navigation; migratory birds can sense the magnetic fields that vary across Earth's surface.
For example, in an MRI, they could be used to sense magnetic fields in far more detail than with today's technology, perhaps distinguishing atoms.
Since the 1970s, researchers have suspected eels could sense magnetic fields, and a 2013 study proposed the animals used a «magnetic compass» to orient using the North Pole.
Earlier work by Kenneth Lohmann of the University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill, and his colleagues had found that eastern Florida's loggerhead sea turtles sense magnetic fields.
«We are actually magnetically evoking behavioral responses in animals by creating a cell that can sense magnetic fields.
For forty years, scientists have known that birds can somehow sense the magnetic field and navigate by it.
Researchers are still unclear on the reasons for this preference — whether they can sense the magnetic field and if they do it «consciously» or whether its reception is controlled by how they feel in a certain direction.

Not exact matches

He never lost his sense of wonder at the magic of nature's phenomena - magnetic fields, gravity, inertia, acceleration, light beams - which grown - ups find so commonplace.»
Our emotions are connected to the magnetic field, creatures are affected and connect to it and rely on it for survival, and animals can often sense human emotions based on this same connection.
Birds can sense Earth's magnetic field, and this uncanny ability may help them fly home from unfamiliar places or navigate migrations that span tens of thousands of kilometers.
The receptors that sense the Earth's magnetic field are probably located in the birds» eyes.
The European robin and other birds know where to migrate by sensing the direction of the Earth's magnetic field.
His work suggested that most birds can sense the Earth's magnetic field, although many of his peers refused to believe it.
Magnetotactic bacteria can even sense the earth's magnetic field by making use of magnetic nanoparticles in their interior that act as an internal compass.
The feat opens up new possibilities in silicon carbide because its nanoscale defects are a leading platform for new technologies that seek to use quantum mechanical properties for quantum information processing, sensing magnetic and electric fields and temperature with nanoscale resolution, and secure communications using light.
Another navigational tool: birds» beaks, which contain bits of magnetite, a mineral that may allow them to sense Earth's magnetic field.
Sea turtles, pigeons and honeybees are among the animals that have an incredibly useful skill we don't possess — they can sense the Earth's magnetic fields with their bodies.
An array of wire coils generates a magnetic field and when a phone disrupts that field, MagMIMO senses it and focuses on the phone by creating a slightly different field with each coil.
Reppert knew that cryptochromes also help fruit flies and birds sense the Earth's magnetic fields, and he wanted to see whether human cryptochromes could do the same thing.
Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are among the many organisms which can sense the Earth's magnetic field through magnetoreceptive cells.
After puzzling it over and practically wallpapering his house with seafloor topography and magnetic field maps, in 1993 Klimley hypothesized that somehow their oblong - shaped heads can sense tiny changes in the magnetic lines created by volcanic lava flows.
SIXTH SENSE During European robins» long - range migrations, production of the protein Cry4 increases and that may facilitate the birds» sense of Earth's magnetic fSENSE During European robins» long - range migrations, production of the protein Cry4 increases and that may facilitate the birds» sense of Earth's magnetic fsense of Earth's magnetic field.
Horton told last month's meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco that this suggests the animals are somehow sensing this ratio, perhaps relying on the symmetry of the bio-magnetite crystals they are thought to use to detect the magnetic field.
Migrating birds navigate by sensing Earth's magnetic field, but the exact mechanisms at work are unclear.
Bird expert Henrik Mouritsen says night - migrating songbirds find their way northward using a combination of enhanced night vision and an internal compass that can sense and create a visual map of the invisible magnetic field surrounding the earth.
Several years ago, biophysicists predicted the properties that a magnetic fieldsensing molecule should have, and cryptochrome fit the bill.
«Birds do head - scans in order to sense the earth's magnetic field, so they turn their head sort of from left to right and then from right to left,» says Mouritsen, from the University of Oldenburg, in Germany
While Ritz calls the new study «interesting» and «really necessary,» he also emphasizes that the new data correlate vision with magnetic - field sensing rather than absolutely defining the neural pathway.
A magnetic sense is found in some insects, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals, whereas humans do not appear to be able to perceive Earth's magnetic field.
Dogs and some primates can sense the earth magnetic field with the help of molecules in their eyes.
The magnetic sense in migratory birds has been studied in considerable detail: unlike a boy scout's compass, which shows the compass direction, a bird's compass recognizes the inclination of the magnetic field lines relative to Earth's surface.
Even if canines really can sense Earth's magnetic field, why would they align their bodies while crouching momentarily in one place?
Loggerhead turtles sense latitude by the planet's magnetic field intensity, and new research finds they're good at determining their longitude, too, probably via the field's inclination.
A team led by animal behaviorist Tali Kimchi of Tel Aviv University has discovered how the creatures manage: They find their way by sensing the direction of Earth's magnetic field.
Tiny devices that take advantage of a recently discovered physical effect called extraordinary magnetoresistance could be used in blazingly fast computer disk drives with huge capacities and in dozens of other applications involving the sensing of magnetic fields
But on an early fly - by in February 2005, the spacecraft's magnetometer «sensed something unusual going on with its magnetic field», says Cassini project scientist Linda Spilker of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California.
Güler and UVA neuroscience Ph.D. candidate Michael Wheeler engineered a gene that can make a cell sense the presence of a magnetic field.
Resting - state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) time series of each participant was acquired for a period of 8 min on a 3 tesla magnetic resonance imaging scanner [three - dimensional PRESTO, repetition time / echo time 22 ms / 32 ms, flip angle 9 °; SENSE p / s 2/2; a dynamic scan time of 0.5 s, 1000 time frames; field of view 256 × 256 mm, voxel size 4 × 4 × 4 mm, 32 slices covering whole brain (supplemental material, available at
Geoscientists can spend a large part of their time in the field, identifying and examining rocks, studying information collected by remote sensing instruments in satellites, conducting geological surveys, constructing field maps, and using instruments to measure Earth's gravity and magnetic field.
Now it appears they can sense Earth's magnetic field too, say a team of biologists — and they show it when they poop.
The electronic spin of nitrogen - vacancy (NV) centers in diamond is extremely sensitive to local magnetic fields, which makes them a valuable tool for sensing nuclear and electronic spins in their vicinity.
It's long been known that birds possess magnetoreception, or ability to sense earth's magnetic fields.
The damping system applies magnetic fields to magnetized fluid in the shock absorbers to adjust the suspension based on the road feel and the driving style, so the car can stiffen up if it senses cornering, or soften if it feels a long road with few turns.
If you think that US population is anything to do with the Earth's magnetic field, than the anecdote of your conversation with Severniy makes sense.
This makes the most sense because the sun drives the climate and the geo magnetic field can enhance or diminish given solar effects depending on if it is in phase or out of phase with solar.
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