Sentences with phrase «sensitive conversations»

Staff must have sensitive conversations with patients and family to find out their views and agree on which treatments are appropriate.
This took a few sensitive conversations (especially with our parents), but it cut down the guest list significantly and made the entire weekend feel comfortable.
It may help you work out knotty ideas or even ease the tension of a particularly sensitive conversation - Steve Jobs famously had his most important discussions on his feet.
It's equally important to delve honestly into sensitive conversation topics such as racism, immigration and cultural differences, in order to dialogue and learn from each other.
Sensitive conversations during pregnancy, skilled support in the immediate post-birth period, ongoing guidance and social support are all needed to enable mothers to feel confident and breastfeed successfully for as long as they wish.
Maybe one consequence of this will be a ditching of technology altogether for some of the most sensitive conversations or discussions which will happen face to face although this is unlikely to be possible all the time.
Apart from eavesdroppers listening in to your potentially sensitive conversations, where they may gain commercially valuable information, one of the biggest dangers is the interception of two - step verification codes.
If you are collaborating, a neutral facilitator (usually a licensed mental health professional with special training in family dynamics and childhood development) will guide you and your spouse through sensitive conversations regarding holiday time - sharing.
Similarly, if you plan to have lengthy, sensitive conversations with clients or opposing counsel, your conversations are more likely to be overheard than they would be at a hotel.
There are sensitive conversations and different goals to aim for than the past regime might have had.
The governor, who prizes loyalty, was surprised by the appointment, and irritated that a person he had considered part of his inner circle was headed to work for a rival, according to several people briefed on the matter who were granted anonymity to describe private and sensitive conversations.
So if you record a sensitive conversation, you have to trust that Apple isn't colluding with an adversary or that Apple's security is good enough that your information is never going to be compromised.»
Please join us next time for «How to break up with a coal plant and keep a friend,» and «My EV can go this long: A sensitive conversation on range anxiety and cycle life.»
If you would prefer that your sensitive conversations remain private you should take positive steps to ensure that they stay that way.
For these sensitive conversations, Imago teaches a communication technique which involves careful listening without judging the other person.
You put off having sensitive conversations and making difficult decisions.
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