Sentences with phrase «sensory disabilities»

After five years, the participants who had more sensory disabilities at the beginning of the study walked more slowly than participants who had fewer sensory problems.
DCMP provides a variety of resources to serve students with sensory disabilities, and we literally hold the standard for described and captioned media.
Estimates of the proportion of people with severe learning disabilities who harm themselves in some way range from one in eight to one in three in those whose learning disability is combined with autism and a sensory disability such as loss of sight or hearing.
Pupils who were previously only able to achieve a very limited amount themselves due to physical and sensory disabilities have improved at learning and expressing themselves greatly through the use of gesture - based technologies, alongside the existing use of teaching and learning methodologies.
Dave Harvey writes about the key considerations and adaptations that need to be made when creating an outdoor learning experience for school children with physical, learning, behavioural and sensory disabilities that is exciting, challenging, enjoyable and rewarding
Others work with students who have sensory disabilities, such as blindness and deafness.
Perseid provides an outstanding education for pupils, aged 3 — 19 who have severe and complex learning difficulties, including learners with an additional diagnosis of autism and / or additional physical and / or sensory disabilities.
Accommodations for students with physical or sensory disabilities are routinely approved, which is not always the case for students with cognitive or behavioral difficulties.
Organized by Ellen Lupton, senior curator of contemporary design, and Andrea Lipps, assistant curator of contemporary design, the exhibition includes work by more than 65 designers and teams and reveals how sensory design can solve problems and enhance life for all people, including those with sensory disabilities.
Disability Diversity in the Legal Profession As Legal Employers, Chief Legal Officers, Hiring Partners, and Hiring Personnel, we hereby affirm our commitment to diversity, including diversity regarding individuals with mental, physical, and sensory disabilities, in the legal profession.
Children with disabilities — such as physical, developmental, intellectual, emotional, and sensory disabilities — are at an increased risk of being bullied.
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