Sentences with phrase «sensory disturbances»

These risk factors include high blood pressure, cigarette smoking and migraine headaches, especially migraines with sensory disturbances called aura (such as flashes of light and tingling in the hands or face).
These findings underscore the central place of sensory anomalies in ASD (Marco et al., 2011) and open up a possibility to consider sensory disturbances in relation to the complex spectrum of cognitive symptoms.
As noted earlier, some migraines are accompanied or preceded by sensory disturbances or tingling or numbness in different parts of the body.
Guillain - Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute life - threatening disease of the nervous system that leads to sensory disturbances and acute flaccid paralysis.
If it is destroyed, the patient experiences GBS, characterized by paralysis in arms and legs, weakness, and sensory disturbances.
Depression, cognitive impairment, sensory disturbances — chiefly smell and taste -, impaired ability to feel pleasure: all these aspects contribute to incorrect eating habits.
«But the more you can engage your five senses in a positive way and eliminate any sensory disturbances, the more relaxing your reentry is going to be,» McAdams says.
In addition, the scratching activity characteristic of the disorder is suspected to be a sensory disturbance called a paraesthesia.
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