Sentences with phrase «sensory problems»

We also learned that many of her autistic - like behaviors were rooted in sensory problems, and we learned how to help her with those.
However, patients are also affected by severe sensory problems, including an impaired sense of smell, touch and vision, and this area of research has remained relatively neglected.
Participants with greater sensory problems were more likely to have trouble performing two or more daily activities.
After five years, the participants who had more sensory disabilities at the beginning of the study walked more slowly than participants who had fewer sensory problems.
This is even more difficult when there is a something like anxiety, a learning issue or sensory problem underneath.
Due to the great variability of sensory problems, some children may like to repeatedly flush the toilet but they are still not trained.
Candida can lead to neurochemical imbalances in the brain, as well as sensory problems and self - stimulatory behavior (often seen in autism).
People are often identified as dyslexic when their reading or writing problems can not be explained by a lack of intellectual ability, inadequate instruction, or sensory problems such as poor eyesight.
Indeed, this second gene — the human equivalent of a mouse gene called shaker - 1 — already had a rap sheet for causing sensory problems.
«Not enough research has been done on the mechanisms driving sensory problems in autism, but it's important because sensory processing probably affects to some degree how the brain develops,» said co-author Yong - hui Jiang, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of pediatrics and neurobiology at Duke.
People with vision or hearing problems were less socially active than those without sensory problems, and those with both vision and hearing problems were least socially active,» Anne Viljanen says.
But four years after being diagnosed with anorexia, doctors revealed that Annalise was actually suffering from ARFID, which stands for Avoidant / Restrictive Food Intake Disorder that came as a result of a sexual assault that left her experiencing sensory problems that were very present whenever she would eat.
I wore / wear all of my children in a wrap, do a lot of skin - to - skin interaction and infant massage - Nathan is my only child with sensory problems.
And the Goodenoughs are a family with a spectrum of sensory problems that make them perfect for explaining sensory integration to children and helping them feel better about the way their own bodies work.
She has some sensory problems and we can't afford to buy one at this time.
Physical and sensory problems can be due to a specific problem with the organ itself, such as the eye, or can be due to a brain injury that affects the function of that organ.
Because babies» bodies and organs are undergoing rapid development, any interruption in that process can lead to complications, including growth, developmental, neurological, cardiac, respiratory, and sensory problems.
Sensory problems are common to autism spectrum disorders.
The developmental disorder, which now affects one of every 68 children in the United States, is characterized by social and communication deficits, repetitive behaviors and sensory problems.
Sensory problems are markedly more common amongst older age groups,» Anne Viljanen says.
Myelin disorders can affect nerve signal transmission in the brain and spinal cord, leading to cognitive, motor and sensory problems.
It can't substitute any physical, mental, or sensory problems, but at the same time it was created with the purpose to acquire new knowledge and skills by capitalizing on the child's strengths and overcoming difficulty areas.
In «Valuing E-books: Is It a Sensory Problem
Sensory problems are also associated with coat colour.
Sensory problems — Injuries to this area may interrupt the pathway between the brain's perception of information and its ability to understand it.
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