Sentences with phrase «sentences of»

And a threshold has been set to restrict the use of communications data to investigations into serious crime where adults face minimum prison sentences of six months.
In practical terms, Huhne should now be packing his overnight bag, ready for his inevitable custodial sentence since «sentences of imprisonment should not normally be suspended».
My own opininon regarding allowing prisoners with sentences of less than four years the right to vote is that it is actually a fudge.
The memo, which was circulated to prison governors on November 26th, reads: «The criminal casework directorate (CCD) of the Border and Immigration Agency have confirmed to us that as a rule they have no interest in pursuing foreign national prisoners serving sentences of less than 12 months for deportation unless they have a court recommendation for deportation, are already subject to deportation proceedings, or (in the case of non-EEA nationals) were sentenced to less than 12 months but where the current sentence plus one or two previous sentences within the last five years (taking account of the most significant sentences during the period) total 12 months or more.»
Three - and 4 - year - olds typically use longer sentences of four or five words.
He may speak in short sentences of one to three words.
The figures under scrutiny are facing prison sentences of up to 20 years if found guilty [via Sky Sports].
to peeps that only watched 5 minutes of a movie or just read two sentences of a book, yet they seem to think they know what the story was about.?
The last two sentences of that excerpted paragraph are lies.
let me just the say the bounty mentioned in the first three sentences of this post were enough to make me green with envy.
As I read the first few sentences of this post, I thought you might be announcing a hiatus from your blog.
But, above all, success was due to the personal flair for language, his message, set into the satisfactory and effective sentences of a rough and energetic German, just emerging as a complete expressive medium.
After the biblical degree came another, two - year course leading to the crown of the Theology programme; by this final degree a man was designated Sententiarius, qualified to lecture on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, the key theology text in all theology schools, a great compilation of texts made in the twelfth century, and very widely commentated since then.
The writer has leapt from his angulum, and is behaving as the Old Testament prophets behaved when denouncing the evils of their times, though herein the quiet and clear, practical sentences of western man: «If this is not done, someone may rise, and, by means of publications, silence those preachers and refute the little book.
In the 1549 book, the priest says to the communicant, «The Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ which was given for thee...», whereas in 1552, the priest says, «Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee...» Under Elizabeth, the two sentences of administration were joined together.
However, Martin goes on to stress the importance of the concluding three sentences of Lumen Gentium 16 which, being fundamental to his argument, are worth quoting in full:
For example, the propositions expressed in the individual sentences of a novel do not cry out for judgment as to their truth or falsity.
So I am happy to report that Berger the Blogger is not only smart but also funny and self - deprecating, as the first sentences of his first post intimate:
He starts from a general discussion of «self - involving language» which expresses attitudes, feelings and commitments rather than neutral facts.17 He then asks us to consider sentences of the form «I look on x as y».
He's correct to indicate that Mary would already have been the «mother of Elizabeth's Lord and ours» prior to the time and space between the second and third sentences of the Hail Mary, and his alternative suggestions for the significance of the pause are perceptive and convincing.
I'm just hoping that seeing my name within a few sentences of his will force your brain to make a subconscious link between us.)
Martin Dibelius points out that many of the sentences of Jesus have parallels in the sayings of Jewish literature.
How far are the six of us named in the first three sentences of this paragraph properly rated?
World Watch Monitor said the family is among more than a dozen Christians who were given prison sentences of between 10 and 15 years for «acting against national security».
Finn, I think, misconstrues the three sentences of Fr.
I refer to the opening sentences of the Ten Commandments.
The sentences of human magistrates can not be, and are not meant to be, a final requital of unrepented evil; that awaits the great day when Christ returns to judge the quick and the dead.
When he reappears, after long neglect, in order to face final refutation in the concluding sentences of the last chapter, it is a distraction, not a culmination of Martin's overall argument.
The last two sentences of B.'s second response and his third response support the view that he is feeling desperate and is crying out for help.
The felony charges carry maximum sentences of 20 years and 15 years respectively, Nichols said.
This understanding of man as being actually (although not essentially) the slave of sin is expressed again and again in Paul's writings, never more poignantly than in the final sentences of Romans, chapter 7:
The sentences of the olden time, which ejaculate this piety, are still fresh and fragrant.
Hence, while we seem to talk about the latter three entities in sentences of the same grammatical form as those used to talk about electrons, billiard balls, and pennies, that grammatical similarity is seriously misleading and the source of logical conundrums.
I've read just a few sentences of Harris's work, and all of it attempted to persuade.
Let's start at the first few sentences of the bible.
On the theoretical side, it ranges from the speaking or writing of sentences of modest import up to the enunciation of important scientific or philosophical truths; on the practical, it ranges from the involvement of rational speech with the ordinary tasks of daily life up to its involvement with moral decisions of the most momentous kind.
Four defendants in Bakersfield, California, received combined sentences of one thousand years.
Although the sentences of 2.2 - 5 appear to be incomplete and do not follow grammatical convention, the use of d i a with the accusative in v. 4 suggests that the false brothers were behind the push to circumcise the Gentile Christian.
On Christmas Day, Indonesia reduced the sentences of over 9,000 Christian prisoners.
The three Christians were initially given prison sentences of 10 years at a hearing in July.
He came to realize that the «presented locus» and the termini of perceptual projection did not necessarily coincide and developed the theory of «strain - feelings» to address this problem: the last two sentences of II.
c. II.4.5 - 8 (except for the last two sentences of 4.8, which belong in [o]-RRB-, II.8.
The first three sentences of II.3.2 belong with the inserted 3.1 (h), but 3.2 probably initially began with the first three sentences of 3.1 These sentences indicate that the «next chapter» will consider such problems as «induction» and «general truths» (PR 83 / 127).
They've all been charged with felony charges of false pretenses and conspiracy to commit false pretenses — charges with prison sentences of up to 20 years, fines or both.
At the beginning of this month, the White House announced that President Obama commuted the sentences of 214 federal inmates.
I would hear two sentences of Obama and if I didn't force myself to focus, I started hearing Charlie Brown's teacher.
The eighth and ninth sentences of the second paragraph within the Credit Quality section in the Overview of Continuing Operations should read as follows:
Third a lot of wallets support so called seeds, which are sentences of 12 to 24 pointless words.
Three sentences of appreciation... wow, the impact of that.»
Those are the first couple of sentences of Graham's post, so there's no confusion about his essential advice.
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