Sentences with phrase «separate faith and reason»

Like the religious objectors, scientists wishing to separate faith and reason — a minority, but a noisy one — claim that nature, which they often think of as self - subsistent rather than as created, can not be reconciled to God, whose existence they often deny.
In his two major works, the posthumously published Ethics and the anonymously published Tractatus Theologico - Politicus, Spinoza sought to break that chain, separating faith and reason.

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Yes faith and reason can not be separated.
When faith and reason are truly separated from one another, neither can stand upon its own.
The past year of my life has been a constant struggle to separate my doubts and my beliefs from my reason and faith.
A third option — one I call the Way of Separation — insists that matters of faith and matters of reason should be kept separate.
Faith and reason are separate magisteria, any apparent contradiction is merely apparent, and we shouldn't feel pressure to resolve our views one way or the other.
Finally, you might take what I call the Way of Aporia, that is, insist that there is a tension between some claims of faith and reason, that the two can not be separated, but that nevertheless there is not enough reason to give up beliefs on either end.
The authoritative word given by the Holy Spirit to the Church at the defining and pivotal moment of Vatican II nearly fifty years ago was especially «made incarnate» in Britain in September, 2010, during Benedict's apostolic visit: to seek unity with our separated brethren in the other Christian confessions, to affirm all that is good and true in secular culture without in any way watering down our witness to the truth of the fullness of the Christian faith, to declare without apology that the Catholic patrimony of faith and reason working in harmony remains a gift that the twenty - first century desperately needs if it is to avoid self - destruction, and which it neglects or dismisses at its own peril.
Many scholars have separated the «Jesus of history» from the «Christ of faith» and in doing so have severed theology and doctrine from reason and reality.
Why is reason separated from faith and spirituality??
«What Cini regards as dangerous is the fact that the Pope may try to open a dialogue between faith and reason, to re-establish a connection between the Judeo - Christian and the Greek tradition, and that science and faith may not be separated by an impenetrable wall».
If religions thus eschew separate «communal power» and seek justice in society, there is no reason why for this purpose, they should not bring their specific faith - insights regarding public morality into dialogue and common action through secular multi-religious groups open for faith - interaction among themselves as well as with secular ideologies.
Among them were pantheism and the positions that human reason is the sole arbiter of truth and falsehood and good and evil; that Christian faith contradicts reason; that Christ is a myth; that philosophy must be treated without reference to supernatural revelation; that every man is free to embrace the religion which, guided by the light of reason, he believes to be true; that Protestantism is another form of the Christian religion in which it is possible to be as pleasing to God as in the Catholic Church; that the civil power can determine the limits within which the Catholic Church may exercise authority; that Roman Pontiffs and Ecumenical Councils have erred in defining matters of faith and morals; that the Church does not have direct or indirect temporal power or the right to invoke force; that in a conflict between Church and State the civil law should prevail; that the civil power has the right to appoint and depose bishops; that the entire direction of public schools in which the youth of Christian states are educated must be by the civil power; that the Church should be separated from the State and the State from the Church; that moral laws do not need divine sanction; that it is permissible to rebel against legitimate princes; that a civil contract may among Christians constitute true marriage; that the Catholic religion should no longer be the religion of the State to the exclusion of all other forms of worship; and «that the Roman Pontiff can and should reconcile himself to and agree with progress, liberalism and modern civilization.»
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