Sentences with phrase «separate legs»

To help release your spine from the previous pose, come to a sit and separate your legs wide so your baby is in the middle.
Now, push against the band to separate your legs until you feel a stretch in your glutes (c).
If I want to make changes later on, it's easier to have the flight as two separate legs allowing me to adjust a single leg.
Separate the legs wider than the hips, opening the knees out and keeping them in line with the ankles.
Less compulsive gamers can swing the Wiimote horizontally to separate legs from torso.
Slightly separate your legs and get in the superman position by lifting your arms, legs, chest and head up at the same time and hold this position for a few seconds, then begin to alternate lifting your right arm / left leg and left arm / right leg for 30 seconds without touching the floor.
Some of the models require separate leg extenders.
I just noticed tonight that she likes to cross one leg and if I'm not watching while putting her in the leg gets crushed by the nub the comes down to separate the legs on the tray.
The style of this sleep sack is pretty unique because it has soft jersey arms and a plushy wearable blanket that zips apart at the bottom to create separate legs.
This unique ergoPouch sleep suit design doubles as a baby sleep sack and the bottom also zips apart into separate legs so kids can toddle about while wearing it.
Breathing slowly and deeply, begin to separate your legs broadly, reaching your feet out to the horizon in opposite directions, taking a wide - legged position of your choice.
But you cant book it for 85k around trip, only as separate legs (many ramifications), unless you call up and pay the fee, unless you went to the seminary and know how to get around the fee
Things look reminiscent of a more refined Animal Crossing, and characters take on the, what's called in anime circles, chibi look (that is, they look like children with huge heads and very separated legs).
They were, as was the fashion of the day, crotch-less with separate legs joined by a drawstring at the waist.
You can orient him away from your body, between your slightly separated legs (see picture), or alongside your stomach with one of your arms alongside his body on the side away from you.
Make sure they have plenty of room to separate their legs and pull up their knees if they prefer.
It has separate legs and feet with wheels but according to our test, they aren't so easy to move.
The Museum Campus operates trolleys from the parking lots at Soldier Field to the Adler Planetarium, and a separate leg of the trolley connects at Roosevelt Road with the CTA's Green Line, Orange Line and Red Line trains.
It has the separated legs and also has snaps at the arm slots allowing you to gradually transition your baby from being swaddled to having just one arm free, to then having both free
This was bought as a baby gift and we couldn't put it together because of the separate legs with the wheels.
From sitting, separate your legs a comfortable distance apart.
Approximately 300 teams of 12 arguably insane / masochistic runners compete, with each team dividing into two vans to complete 36 separate legs, or three per runner.
Coupled with adducting the separated legs, Warrior 2 is a powerful yoga pose that builds an understanding of the body as one complete unit.
Some of the benefits of inversions (blood flow to the brain, reduction of blood pressure, compression of the thyroid gland) are provided by separate leg stretching, separate leg forehead to knee, rabbit pose, and the whole series in general.
Separate your legs wider than your hips, allowing your feet to fall to the sides naturally.
And it is definitely perfect for warm days, because it separates your legs from the textile and you feel like you wear shorts instead of a heavy skirt, I love it!!!
You can add up to 5 separate legs.
Even though, I can get find a lot of flight options for the separate legs, I keep on receiving the same «error message» with an indication to call a customer service.
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