Sentences with phrase «separate point»

But I have the ability to separate my point of view from what most people are probably ok with and analyze which show got the more compelling talent.
You need to gather all materials, then divide it into separate points, arrange the order of points presentation, and address opposite views.
In the context of an expanding universe, it is often stated that widely separated points move apart faster than the speed of light.
A second formula, the point - to - point method, averages the index - linked return from the index gains at two separate points in time during the year.
These are three separate points which must be shown to prove that there is even a medical malpractice case to begin with.
Certain data is separated and run through separate point formulas.
Here is a totally separate point, which is more directly relevant to the question, but also a bit speculative.
The cheapest route to mattress run for me is 13 separate Points + Cash stays.
[Response: There are two separate points here.
With bullet form, one can sort and write different details under separate points.
It can cope with at least 10 separate points of contact (we ran out of fingers after that) and responsiveness is top notch.
The objectives can vary, some being to destroy particular highlighted enemies, or defending a certain point on the map while data uploads, or having to hold and defend three separate points for a period of time.
The boxes depict median (horizontal line) and inter-quartile range (top and bottom of box), with vertical lines showing range and outliers shown as separate points
Ars Technica gathered a few separate points of data on the update, which Google unveiled very quietly.
Rather than the standard Android camera app, NVIDIA preloads the freshly - released Camera Awesome for Android, which supports features like focus tracking for moving objects (allowing you to draw a box around an object and have it followed, even if it moves out of frame and then returns) together with separating the points of focus and exposure.
I'd just separate the point you were making because the point I'm making is that a move towards creating shoppers is creating better care on primary care, just in terms of how we treat the consumer, and the consumers are opting into that and finding it interesting and effective.
Michigan gave up 36 sacks last season, which was 12th in the 14 - team Big Ten Conference and 114th nationally, and lost quarterbacks Wilton Speight and Brandon Peters at separate points in the season to injury.
Humanly speaking, we can not resolve the paradox by logically separating the points of the tension — God's will and our own.
If a whole packer has been smoked, you'll need to separate the point from the flat before carving as the grain in the two muscles run in opposite directionsand slicing should always be against the grain.
«Given the dynamic nature of the inflammatory response, our collection of blood at four separate points gives us a more complete picture,» explained Vasunilashorn.
A third (and most likely) possibility is that information escapes through a breakdown of locality — the notion that events at spatially separated points can influence one another only after light has had time to travel between them — that is more profound than ordinary quantum nonlocality.
Take It Out In Trade plays like a cross between Russ Meyer and John Waters, full of digressions — at three separate points throughout the film, the main character takes himself on a «vacation» that consist of peeping at naked women through potted plants in front of posters for various far - flung locales — and extensive full - frontal nudity and simulated sex.
Grocery shoppers, unless they were using credit cards, were asked to go back to showing a new separate points card to collect at the point of purchase.
With separate points awarded for active and passive abilities, your character will be a far - cry from its former self by the end of each playthrough.
Salmon Run also boasts its own separate point and ranking system, providing a slew of exclusive rewards and goodies to keep you coming back for more.
The boxes depict median (horizontal line) and interquartile range (top and bottom of box), the vertical lines show range, and outliers are shown as separate points
Cartesian co-ordinates, then, express the unfolded or explicate order, in which the analysis of everything into separate points has been the general means of understanding the world.
Like the Functional Medicine matrix it presents, The UltraMind Solution can not be distilled into a few separate points.
«Group furniture into conversation areas in larger spaces — place sofas and chairs facing one another for an intimate grouping, or back to back to create two separate points of view.
The committee expressed further dissatisfaction with Facebook immediately following the session, emphasizing that Schroepfer had «failed to answer fully on nearly 40 separate points».
Also, can you combine chase sapphire and chase freedom ultimate rewards with rapid rewards points, or are they separate points?
it wasn't the point of the discourse - but a matter of fact description of how the world is — to make a separate point - but it gives pause.
Leeward of the breaking seas, at five separate points on Banner Reef, the usual brown and mustard colors of the coralline ledge give way to a bright, cold blue, where the bottom drops away to a depth of 20 or 30 feet.
That is a separate point entirely.
And on a separate point, can we stop conflating massive spending with «ambition».
However, (and this is a separate point), I am not sure that the mother has to consider the child's future embarrassment.
Murdoch says Jay is misrepresenting the evidence, particularly the «mission accomplished» header of the email, which he says relates to a separate point.
If you want to make a separate point, feel free.
What role that document should play in the future has been a separate point of contention in the talks.
That same year, another team made an even more - detailed image of the region that showed not only the mini-spiral but also a distinct, separate point of radio emission corresponding to the exact center of the Galaxy.
On a separate point, good to see you taking time to reply to comments and having a bit of banter with readers, every now and then.
That is a separate point though
Also, can you combine chase sapphire and chase freedom ultimate rewards with rapid rewards points, or are they separate points?
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