Sentences with phrase «sequences in»

Second, mouse SINEs are strongly associated with DNA loss, indicating that losses in regulatory regions are accompanied by SINE insertions suggesting that there is extensive «churning» or turnover of sequences in these regions.
We performed BLASTp searches with individual protein sequences of human perilipins that generated no significant hits to Nematoda sequences in the UniProt database, consistent with previous efforts that failed to identify a perilipin - related protein in this phylum.
Our study provides hints that at least some of the apparent sub-types in ME / CFS could be due to differences between DNA sequences in the patients, even though we have no evidence that particular mitochondrial genomes lead to increased susceptibility to the disease itself.
The remaining 2 pairs of primers, both derived from highly conserved sequences in the hexon gene [26], [28], were able to detect TMAdV in culture as well as directly from clinical material.
These customized RNAs include complementary sequences that are tailored to match up with specific DNA sequences in the microbe's genome.
With the exception of SAdV - 23, these highly conserved probes are part of the core Virochip design and were derived from all available adenoviral sequences in GenBank as of 2002 [21].
A comparison of the sequence of amino acids in NGF with that of several other polypeptides by William A. Frazier of Washington University revealed that NGF and insulin have certain sequences in common.
For DNA cleavage to occur, two zinc finger proteins must bind, each to specific, adjoining sequences in the CCR5 gene, leading to FokI dimerization and subsequent DNA cleavage resulting in a double strand break [24]--[26].
These issues include the presence of a large number of highly homologous sequences in other genomic regions and the frequent sequence exchange between active and pseudogenes, together with the high frequency of negative staining of PMS2 by immunohistochemistry.
These sequences in our DNA are often situated far away from the actual genes they regulate, in comparison to so called promoter regions, which traditionally have been considered to control most of the gene activity.
Pharmaceutical researchers are now on the lookout for molecules that have these recognition sequences in the fitting spatial structure, allowing them to trigger the same cell reactions.
In agreement with Fouts et al. (2012), the data presented here concurs that the different sexes have significantly different genera of bacteria present in their urine, different numbers of genera and that sequences in the main belong to the phylum Firmicutes for both male and female samples, as in the study by Siddiqui et al. (2011).
By analogy to the gag / abl fusion protein of Abelson murine leukemia virus, the replacement of amino terminal c - abl sequences by bcr sequences in P210 may create a transforming protein involved in CML.
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a human disease associated with a consistent chromosomal translocation that results in sequences from the c - abl locus on chromosome 9 being fused to sequences in a breakpoint cluster region (bcr) on chromosome 22.
In humans and chimpanzees, however, the researchers discovered that DNA sequences in regulatory areas have accumulated nearly as many mutations as have sequences evolving at the baseline level.
The researchers also report finding similar, but not identical, miRNA sequences in three other species of green algae.
«So long as Britain continues to patent sequences of DNA, scientists in Italy, Germany and France are refusing to place DNA sequences in a database in Britain.
Action sequences in one programme steal spare bits from static landscape scenes in another.
Twenty - two didn't match sequences in these libraries.
Peter and his team discovered sequences in the human genome that when converted into small double - stranded RNA molecules trigger what they believe to be an ancient kill switch in cells to prevent cancer.
The most commonly used form of Cas9, derived from the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes and known as SpCas9, recognizes PAM sequences in which any nucleotide is followed by two guanine DNA bases.
They found a number of pertussis - like toxin sequences in the genomes of the subset of strains of E. coli that can live benignly in the gut but cause symptoms if they enter the blood or urinary tract.
Through the combination of CRISPRs and RNA - guided endonucleases, such as Cas9, («Cas» stands for CRISPR - associated), bacteria are able to utilize small customized crRNA molecules (for CRISPR RNA) to guide the targeting and degradation of matching DNA sequences in invading viruses and plasmids to prevent them from replicating.
According to Siepel, this analysis will allow researchers to isolate functionally important sequences in diseases much more rapidly.
«Building on the well - understood phenomenon from classical physics, we can not only visualize the development of reliable control sequences in quantum technology, but also accelerate them significantly.»
«Our cell biological analysis show that a helicase, called Pfh1, binds to specific guanine - rich DNA sequences in the yeast cell.
The researchers might also be overlooking some near misses to sequences in their database, notes Jason Eshleman, a molecular geneticist at Trace Genetics in San Francisco, Calif..
As was shown in 2004 when the chicken genome was published, chickens have numerous copies of the scale, claw, and particularly the feather beta - keratin sequences in their genome.
Graur compared amino acid sequences in 91 proteins from humans, monkeys, rats, rabbits, and other mammals.
«When we compared pieces of DNA from the Papuans against the Denisovan genome, many sequences were similar enough to declare a match, but some of the DNA sequences in the East Asians, notably Han Chinese, Chinese Dai, and Japanese, were a much closer match with the Denisovan,» she says.
The new test identified HPV sequences in 6 of the samples of which conventional testing only identified 4.
Previously, it was thought that the number of enhancer sequences in a differentiated cell is static; however, recent findings are starting to disprove the idea.
Such vaccines, which would contain multiple AMA1 sequences in complex with RON2, might induce antibodies targeted to a range of genetically diverse malaria parasites.
In particular, the comparison of gene sequences in large numbers of patients and controls will be a key step in strategies for disease gene identification.
They compare DNA sequences of affected family members with those from healthy relatives, looking for unusual sequences in affected people that might turn out to be the defective genes.
This is because the equivalent endemic species in these two crater lakes originated in different sequences in both lakes.
It was up to the experimenter to read and record the sequences in the proper order.
Scientists in Italy, Germany and France have already stopped filing sequences in the MRC's database in Northwick Park, London, because they and their governments oppose the idea of patenting sequences whose function is unknown (This Week, 11 April).
This results in the inclusion of extra coding sequences in the mRNA, which when translated, end up producing malfunctioning haemoglobin molecules.
The students went around Bangalore and into the forests of the state of Karnataka, brought soil samples and looked for BioBrick - specific DNA sequences in the soil microbes.
In biotech, the Supreme Court has issued guidance narrowing the eligibility of patents on diagnostics, causing innovators to better tailor their patent filings; the court took up patenting of isolated, purified genetic sequences in April, with further guidance to follow.
After extracting tiny amounts of ancient DNA from the mummies» bones, the researchers amplified 16 short tandem repeats (short sequences in the DNA that create a genetic fingerprint) and eight polymorphic microsatellites (hereditary molecular markers) to testable quantities using techniques commonly employed in criminal or paternity investigations.
S4, A and B), despite the outgroups having only ~ 30 % orthologous sequences in the TENT alignment (e.g., fig.
Joint winner of the 1980 chemistry prize with Walter Gilbert for his «contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids» and winner of the 1958 chemistry prize «for his work on the structure of proteins, especially that of insulin.»
Finally, they patched together a transposon based on computer alignments and their own judgment from their knowledge of similar sequences in other genes.
Animals that share a recent common ancestor would have more nucleotide sequences in common than would more distantly related animals.
He compared the genetic sequences in those SIV samples with sequences from the few African green monkey SIV samples he had, as well as to sequences of human HIV - 2 and macaque SIV.
(Elephant protein sequences in present databases are incomplete, so other matches for the mastodon turned up among more distantly related mammals, including dogs, cows, mice, and humans.)
Five were identical to sequences in chicken collagen, while frog and newt collagen tied for the next closest matches.
When compared to all collagen sequences in available protein databases as well as sequences Schweitzer obtained in the lab, the T. rex protein fragments most closely resembled those of today's chicken, making the first molecular link and bolstering the idea that contemporary birds descended from dinosaurs.
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