Sentences with phrase «sequences into»

Used ILM's proprietary computer software to implement new effects sequences into the original footage
His signature style in those decades included repetitive ideographic or hieroglyphic elements that allowed Lewis to incorporate narrative sequences into his paintings.
Each structure envelops themes and references from her performances, transforming their temporal sequences into giant relief compositions.
Additional components include drawings that sequence through the patterning of dance floor lights and a new series of phosphorescent paintings that translate these sequences into a gridded system.
In parallel with the work of biologists, who want to dissect DNA sequences into their smallest component parts and reassemble them in different combinations to create artificial life forms, Pfeiffer creates artificial film loops by dissecting film material into its smallest units and reconstructing it.
Translate the short story sequences into English, leave the Japanese voices intact and you've got yourself a title to release to America and Europe!
The most obvious way that FFXII thwarted my expectations, of course, was the way in which it streamlines the rhythm of its combat, distilling the traditional Final Fantasy battle sequences into a real - time, partially automated system that mimics the play of an MMORPG (like its predecessor, FFXI).
Common approaches include compressing two - semester sequences into a single term and offering tailored pathways for different majors.
Rather than simply posting isolated lessons, the site sequences them into an open curriculum.
For some, this was a first step following which they injected their own contexts and sequences into the curriculum.
It also features the best editing of any movie this year from Nels Bangerter, who structures Johnson's sequences into a cyclical, non-linear memoir.
Cinematographer Peter Pau (an Oscar winner for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) follows the fights with discreet camerawork and Minkoff resists cutting the sequences into action editing confetti.
The story of «Alex & Emma» is simple and, with the exception of various flashback - style sequences into a novel - in - progress, makes me think this was originally written as a play.
Director Ericson Core («Invincible») and writer Kurt Wimmer (whose previous remake duties include «Total Recall» and «The Thomas Crown Affair») clearly want to up the ante on the action, but they make almost no effort to incorporate these stirring sequences into the rest of the movie.
Everything is competently implemented without excelling in any individual direction, but the combination and sheer variety of content and fan service has to be commended, and for once it's nice to play through a kids game that doesn't just shoehorn the cinematic action sequences into an average procession of linear levels.
The dogs all talk but the humans can't hear them, but that fact isn't clear until several sequences into the movie.
Each shares crucial information with one brother that is withheld from the other, sending personal dialogue sequences into a frenzy of calculating mistrust and crackerjack deception.
We then imputed from these sequences into new and existing genome - wide association study cohorts and tested for association at ∼ 12 million variants in a total of 16,432 cases and 18,843 controls.
The team engineered the immunoadhesin sequences into the AAV vector and injected the constructs into the muscles of nine rhesus macaques, where the muscle cells then started to produce the chimeric antibodies and secrete them into the bloodstream.
With the edits made, the team starts to assemble edited, synthetic DNA sequences into ever larger chunks, which are finally introduced into yeast cells, where cellular machinery finishes building the chromosome.
Indeed, the BDV discussed earlier inserted some of its sequences into vertebrate genomes approximately 40 million years ago [56], and presence of these sequences correlates with disease resistance to BDV.
100; bootstrap pseudoreplicates were performed by splitting chromosomal sequences into shorter fragments of 500 kb and randomly selected regions, with replacement, to evaluate the spread of the PSMC reconstructions.
He developed ways in which DNA could be used to operate a robot arm, to capture target species, and to translate DNA sequences into polymer assembly instructions.
A custom python script was used to convert the consensus sequences into the HSD input file format used by Haplogrep.
They plugged the sequences into an algorithm used for human population modeling, which co-author Daniel Falush modified to allow for hybridization among strains of bacteria.
UCLA researchers have created a code to translate amino acid sequences into music, to inform and entertain non-scientists and children.
Translating the differences between gene sequences into a date for their divergence, the researchers conclude that the various forms of RRM2P4 last shared a common ancestor about two million years ago — around when H. erectus migrated from Africa into Asia.
Ribosomes are the molecular machines responsible for the translation of mRNA sequences into the amino - acid sequences of the specified newly synthesized protein.
Researchers from various institutions are increasingly bringing troves of DNA sequences into huge gene banks in hopes of tackling diseases.
Erythromycin targets bacterial ribosomes — the nanomachine responsible for the translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) sequences into protein — thus preventing synthesis of the proteins required for continued growth and survival.
To find the complex indels, the researchers developed specialized computer software and verified its accuracy in genome sequences into which they purposely introduced these complex mutations.
But critics warn that genetic engineering has a dark side too, and could lead to designer babies or the release of dangerous DNA sequences into the gene pool, with dire environmental consequences.
By this directed evolution we were able to produce ribozymes that can catalyze the copying of relatively short strands of other RNAs, although they fall far short of being able to copy polymers with their own sequences into progeny RNAs.
«Decoding the genome's cryptic language: New tool to map RNA - DNA interactions could help researchers translate gene sequences into functions.»
laws but because the human mind reads sequence into them.
Thus I bind together this sequence into a chain that began with birth and ends with death.
After Arsenal recorded a 4th, a 3rd and a 2nd place in the last three years, I was very hopeful that we could extend that sequence into 1st in this campaign, but the reality is proving to be just as difficult as we predicted at the start of the season.
In one experiment, the researchers put the same amount of RNA strands with the same genetic sequence into the Aquaphor but in linear, not spherical, form.
«By inserting the new sequence into the DNA, perhaps they are altering the gene in some other way,» he says.
They searched the fluid for traces of RNA indicating the presence of different classes of retroviruses, RNA viruses that, like HIV, copy their sequence into the genome of infected organisms.
Recently, he established the Clinical Sequencing Facility, a collaboration between SciLifeLab, Uppsala University, and Uppsala University Hospital, which is focused on translating next - generation sequencing into clinical diagnostics.
In many sequences, the normally continuous code for translating the DNA sequence into protein had been disrupted by a stop - codon, a signal to end translation.
Craig Venter's successful implantation of a digitally determined genome sequence into a bacterium has been widely reported (29 May, p...
The problem is assembling that sequence into order,» said David Neale, a professor of plant sciences at the University of California, Davis, who led the loblolly pine genome project and is an author on the GENETICS and Genome Biology articles.
The method, developed by researchers at the University of Maryland, compiles many overlapping fragments of sequence into much larger chunks, then throws away all the redundant information.
After that, the researchers back - translate the amino acid sequence into a genetic sequence, buy the DNA base pairs to build the gene spelled out by that sequence, and then turn the gene loose in bacteria or yeast that have been programmed to manufacture the protein.
Astronomers divide the main sequence into upper and lower parts, based on the dominant type of fusion process at the core.
The ultimate goal is to translate discoveries enabled by next - gen sequencing into medically actionable information.
A final ligation reaction correctly assembles the final targeting vector (Fig. 1, Step 4), and co-injection of the targeting vector and a Cas9 expression plasmid will insert the desired genetic tag and marker sequence into the targeted loci.
The BabySeq Project: Genomic Sequencing for Childhood Risk and Newborn Illness (U19 HD077671) is a first - of - its - kind randomized clinical trial designed to examine how best to use genomics in clinical pediatric medicine by creating and safely testing methods for integrating sequencing into the care of newborns.
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