Sentences with phrase «sequences under the waves»

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Specifically, we have generated clusters of transcripts that behave the same way under the entire spectrum of the sixty - seven experimental conditions; we have assembled genes in groups according to their time of expression during successive days of ES cell differentiation; we have included expression profiles of specific gene classes such as transcription regulatory factors and Expressed Sequence Tags; transcripts have been arranged in «Expression Waves» and juxtaposed to genes with opposite or complementary expression patterns; we have designed search engines to display the expression profile of any transcript during ES cell differentiation; gene expression data have been organized in animated graphs of KEGG signaling and metabolic pathways; and finally, we have incorporated advanced functional annotations for individual genes or gene clusters of interest and links to microarray and genomic resources.
A beautiful film sequence by the director John Maybury is at the top of the gallery, and it shows a girl plunged overboard a ship and appear to drown, and as she sinks deeper beneath the waves, the tendrils of her torn chiffon dress ensnare her legs and pull her deeper under.
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