Sentences with phrase «sequestering atmospheric»

I will give this question another shot - Critical to how significant a grassland management scheme is to sequestering atmospheric carbon is the maximum carbon that can be stored / acre and what is the half - life of carbon in the soil.

Not exact matches

Worldwide, carbon storage has the capability to provide more than 15 percent of the emissions reductions needed to limit the rise in atmospheric CO2 to 450 parts per million by 2050, an oft - cited target associated with a roughly 50 - percent chance of keeping global warming below 2 degrees, but that would involve 3,200 projects sequestering some 150 gigatons of CO2, says Juho Lipponen, who heads the CCS unit of the International Energy Agency in Paris.
Of the five options the group evaluated, sequestering carbon through biological means — or converting atmospheric carbon into solid sources of carbon like plants — holds the most promise.
A «carbon neutral» bioenergy source would be one that sequestered as much carbon in its growth cycle as it released later when burned as fuel, with the sequestering occurring concurrently with the burning, or nearly so, rather than decades hence, when the negative emissions count for less in stabilizing atmospheric CO2 levels.
Forests were afforded their own article in the Paris Agreement (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2015) because they are so critical for their role in sequestering and storing atmospheric carbon.
In this book, ecologists, conservationists, lawyers, and atmospheric scientists detail the benefits of alternative market - based systems for reducing and sequestering the carbon emissions currently threatening the planet with global warming and the destruction of animal and human habitat.
The so - called «terra preta» soils offer the additional benefit of sequestering carbon, helping reduce atmospheric concentrations of CO2.
Recommended reading for anyone interested in the potential of organic agriculture and forestry to draw down the already dangerous anthropogenic excess of atmospheric CO2 by sequestering carbon in soil and biomass:
The anthropogenic emission is to the air, but the rapid changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration exhibited by the seasonal varaiations do not suggest that the system is near to saturation that would prevent the system from sequestering the anthropogenic emission from the air.
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