Sentences with word «serfs»

The whole business is like The Hunger Games with those at the top often not honest about how they made it — ie inherited money, relied on a spouse's income, have a pension, assumed mortgages when possible and made money when property values increased — borrowed equity to survive, have rental income, or sold their own property, or have teams — actually serfs below them — or declare bankruptcy and start over leaving debt behind.
Like serfs, though, they are expected to work and hope that one day they also will be golfing in Phoenix — well, not golfing because that is going by the wayside in some areas where it is recognized change is required.
The HUGE billboards with the face of the team leader remind me of the cult of a leader in a despotic country with serfs below.
However, my observations are intended to cast a light upon the cadre of a well organized systemic group of ORE elites who live off of the avails of the disorganized peons (as some of the ruling class might think of their serfs, who come and go like horny fireflies in the night)... always after having deposited hard cash into the elitists» bank accounts... never to be seen again.
So, for example, the team leaders (with serfs of sorts under them who are the ones actually working hard and learning a great deal) should be looked at more favorably than those doing most of the work and paying half their income (nonnegotiable) to the leaders.
costs and addl (with the serfs» names not often noted).
It destroys the masses — the serfs — from partaking in trade.
Will they hear our plea that Canada should be a country of citizens, not serfs?
The reason these workers were distorting the labour market was because they were essentially serfs, not citizens,» McGowan said.
For most of the history of the world, the vast majority of the population, from peasants and serfs to factory workers on up, toiled countless hours and lived like virtual slaves.
Historical revisionism has widely been practiced by those who aim to totally control the poletariat / serfs.
This is not unlike feudal lords, gathering themselves into an organisation intended — at face value — to represent the interests of serfs.
Without it where would we serfs be?
Don't care fer the existing closed — society set - up, a consensus - ship - this - is - what - yer - need - ter - know, serfs, from the Klimateriat - Kontrol - Centre - of - the - I - P - C - C bts
They can be treated to pictures of wind turbines across green hills, smile - shaped birdies hovering safely above, more smiling serfs picnicking below... and graphic instructions on how to locate their power points and read energy stickers on white goods.
Serfs aren't able ter follow the intrickasees of the interackshns of physickal systems but this below from Chiefio further makes me wary of those tenured modellers in cloud towers, including these comments:
Seems ter serfs that the model projections or predictions have been falsified by observation and the multitude of post hoc explanations for there temperature plateau are attempts at theory inoculation like attempts to «explain the missing hotspot.
No more pesky voters to disempower them, no more «eeeville» capitalists with their ugly «inequities», no more «wasteful» consumerism, just knee - bent serfs awestruck at their godlike wisdom.
Does it mean «efficient cheap energy» ter lift the third world outa» poverty and increase life expectancy, like the West's Industrial Revolution lifted western serfs outa» poverty and increased life expectancy.
Leave the serfs ter deal with day ter day problem solving and pragmatic tinkering... Stig: Say, Conan, how do we get this mammoth back ter the cave?
If it happened now I'm sure that would qualify as climate change, and something to be «communicated» to serfs.
Stored energy saved serfs from the burden of slaving for food twenty - seven.
These graduate students are indentured servants working for very low wages and little different from serfs, which is appropriate, because universities are mediaeval institutions being dragged kicking and screaming into the 18th century.
I was only saying to my fellow toffs over tokay the other night: we don't beat our serfs... we adjust them.
I am disregardin'the slights regardin» serfs and focus on «Tokay.»
That way I won't have to work it very hard, and work is something best left to serfs, obviously.
(Be grateful serfs, you don't get acknowledgment or answers, but your dedication in listing and referencing known scandalous problems with our national dataset is worthy of one line in the last paragraph of a press release.
They are attempting to return the wold back to the way it was, with a few privileged nobles while everyone else lives as serfs in abject poverty and powerlessness while paying for the privilege to do so, and away form this newfangled idea that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.
Not quite 100 % of all wealth gains John but IMO the serfs are only getting gains from inflation, with little real value accrued.
... Serfs luv this!
and serfs - don't - care - fer - top - down - rule - fer top down rule, but like non-arbitr» ry rule of law fer all... we like non-arbitrary rule fer all, oh liberty... oh liberty..
The lords get the turnips, the serfs get the turnip greens — plus a scrap of fatback which reduces mixing of oxygen during boiling, protecting the vitamins.
And if, like me, you're not exactly rolling in money like a Tsar exploiting the serfs, might find yourself struggling to finding quality games.
In its prime, the Maya people were governed by a hierarchical society of nobles, commoners, serfs, and slaves.
One of the initial titles of royalty, a baron was gifted land and serfs in exchange for his oath of loyalty to the king and his promise to defend the king if necessary.
Society's lowest classes — slaves or serfs or peasants or blue collar toilers — temporarily slipped their yokes and engaged in a period of wild revelry and misrule.
America is on pace to be home to 3 million lords and 350 million serfs.
while i admire your affords to have dividends paid by zamano the directors of irish companies treat shareholders like serfs who should be kept in the dark so you will be fobbed off.
Nor is it destroying publishing like the Big Five Publishers» serfs would tell us in New York Times Op - Ed pieces.
Bonus: We aren't asking you to be SERFs.
The serfs (indie authors and us readers) aren't supposed to question the God - given right of Publishers and Published Authors.
Most people, though, were serfs — individuals who were tied to the land in one way or another.
Serfs must work more closely with barons, explains Ann Patchett:… #publishing
Alexander II liberated the serfs, survived five assassination attempts and wrote perhaps the most explicit love letters ever composed by a ruler.
Those who enjoy lording it over us serfs on the road know only a Landie will do.
Clark parents are right to stand by their convictions: they need to let the King know that they are his equals and not his serfs...
The study itself is just what you would expect: loads of numbers that are supposed to make people think that teachers are essentially little more than impoverished serfs, valiantly slaving away for pennies.
They learned how the serfs who rose up in rebellion against their lords, and about the Jews and widowed women who were blamed for the illness and burned at the stake.
Squalid shapeless interiors seething with serfs, consorts, and half - wits open up to pre-modern landscapes of dirt, wood, and stone populated by armies of monks and scrappy peasants.
But Struensee founds a university and an orphanage, abolishes corporal punishment of serfs and starts receiving fan mail from Voltaire.
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