Sentences with phrase «serial rapist»

A "serial rapist" refers to a person who commits the crime of rape multiple times. This term describes an individual who consistently engages in the act of non-consensual sexual intercourse with others without their permission. Full definition
Authorities said dating apps were the common thread for a pair of serial rapists who were convicted last year.
The program, which includes a national database, is designed to catch serial rapists and killers who exhibit specific, distinctive behaviors while committing their crimes.
Like Gaffigan's Cinco, Comedy Camisado isn't Buress at his finest (he can't take down an alleged serial rapist in every set), but a misplaced jab from Hannibal still delivers a good punch.
Miller and Armstrong delve deeply into serial rapist Marc Patrick O'Leary's crimes and the investigation that eventually caught him, weaving together Marie's traumatic experience and the meticulous work of two female detectives and their colleagues that ultimately put O'Leary in prison — and humiliated the Lynnwood police.
The Golden Globe nominee was there to promote her book Any Man, «about a female serial rapist who attacks men»
Woody Allen is clarifying a comment he made to BBC News about accused serial rapist Harvey Weinstein the other day.
That's because the Church hierarchy has routinely opted to enforce a white collar of silence whereby serial rapists in its ranks are merely reassigned to a different parish rather than defrocked and reported to the authorities.
A relative of the alleged serial rapist presumably uploaded her or his information in the hopes of discovering blood relations.
A masterful true crime account of the Golden State Killer - the elusive serial rapist turned murderer who terrorized California for over a decade - from Michelle McNamara, the gifted journalist who died tragically while investigating the case.
Jamelsek is an American serial rapist - kidnapper who, from 1988 to his apprehension in 2003, kidnapped a series of women and held them captive in a concrete bunker beneath the yard of his home in DeWitt, a suburb of Syracuse, New York.
Hopefully, that place includes a large fella named «Bubba» with a grudge against serial rapists.
Acting Labour leader Harriet Harman rounded on Mr Cameron in the House of Commons, saying the plan would prevent other victims of serial rapists from coming forward.
Policemen at Ilasa Division in Lagos have arrested a suspected serial rapist identified as Emeka for allegedly defiling a five - year - old girl at Osoyintola area of Ilasamaja...
In September 2004, DNAPrint sent results to Harding that said the Virginia serial rapist's DNA was 85 percent sub-Saharan African, 12 percent European, and 3 percent Native American.
For those unfamiliar with the film, it follows a young detective on the trail of a sadistic serial rapist and murderer.
Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara) asks an incapacitated Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), just before chasing serial rapist and murderer Martin Vanger out of his torture - basement with a handgun.
Late Night Double Feature Bachelor Games After Coldwood Santa Claus: Serial Rapist Faces Of Snuff In the Mouth of Madness Solid State The Nightmare
Think of it as a science - fiction slasher flick or a deep - space old - dark - house thriller with a crew of likeably blue - collar mopes facing off against a shape - changing menace that's part axe murderer, part wild grizzly, and part serial rapist.
Book Two In The Wolfe Brothers Saga In small - town Texas, a father's abuse birthed a chain of events, which snaked through the course of time for twenty years, eventually breeding a twisted and sexually deviant serial rapist and killer.Cam, the oldest son, harbors a remarkable violence in his psyche.
Further, despite the site's growing popularity, chances are your average hardcore criminal and run - of - the - mill serial rapist has probably not heard of CouchSurfing, and is more likely to stick to knocking off local liquor store and trolling their own neighborhoods for victims than spending a fortune on a plane ticket or traveling several thousands of miles just to rip off your laptop.
The scene reflects a real case in the mid-1940s, when an allegedly black serial rapist wearing green gloves was ravaging the city of San Francisco.
Currently, the only route of challenge to controversial decisions — such as that to release serial rapist John Worboys despite the fears of his many victims — is judicial review.
The Golden Globe nominee - turning 35 this Monday - was there to promote her book Any Man, «about a female serial rapist who attacks men, told through the first person narratives of the male victims.»
«But why would a man who not only worked with an accused serial rapist, but has been accused of helping kill a 2004...
On July 14, «The View» co-host called him a «serial rapist
How a serial rapist and murderer in California flaunted his power as well as his belief that he could elude accountability forever.
A year later, after using a similar technique, they are confident they've caught the serial rapist and killer who eluded capture for four decades.
So - called «Bundyphiles» sent bags of mail to Ted Bundy, the serial rapist - murderer who was electrocuted on Florida's Death Row in 1989.
The search for California's Golden State Killer led to wrong man last year in Oregon, but investigators say they are now confident they've caught the serial rapist and killer who eluded law enforcement for four decades.
You damn child molesters — serial rapist — murderers --- etc, or don't you????????
He has compared us to drunks, «child molesters — serial rapist — murderers,» prostitutes, etc....
In 1999 in the Bronx he died in a hail of bullets from the guns of four NYPD officers who thought he matched the description of a serial rapist and that the wallet he took out of his pocket was a gun.
All white men are pedophiles, serial killers, mass killers and serial rapists.
So if you get mad at your neighbor when his dog digs through your trash, or if you are not completely honest with your boss about why you were ten minutes late for work, God's justice demands that you get punished the same as if you were serial rapist and mass murderer.
Why is it that me giving to charity as an atheist is the same as a serial rapist?
----- the same God that made joe the thief; betty the prostitute; jill the gossip; frank the murderer; bubba the serial rapist.
I also read from your post that you are saying that being gay is pretty much equivalent to being a serial rapist, a murder, a prostitute and a thief.
You helping others is no better or worse than a serial rapist.
In 1982, I was leading a team of officers trying to catch a serial rapist who had escaped from prison.
On the East Coast, Alex Ramos, the former boxer, and Alex Ramos, the serial rapist, became all but synonymous.
On the other hand, there could possibly be an individual out there who is a serial rapist / abuser that I am letting go if I do not report.
Alexis Sanchez is a serial rapist.
That's what happened in L.A., with the so - called grim sleeper, a serial rapist and killer.
Like sixty - year - old frat boys, they all laughed when Lavrenty Beria, the secret police chief and serial rapist, pinned little notes with the Russian word prick spelled in big Cyrillic letters on Khrushchev's unsuspecting back.
He remained wrongfully imprisoned until 2011, when DNA evidence showed that the culprit was Leon Davis (right), a serial rapist who called himself the Black Ninja.
This patient, righteous documentary by Ken Burns, David McMahon, and Sarah Burns recounts the story of justice undone (a serial rapist confessed) with extensive interviews, a thorough use of archival footage, and a less - than felicitous use of ominous - rumble music that unnecessarily insists, Isn't this an outrage?
By this, I mean that 2017 was the year the public discovered that Harvey Weinstein has been a serial rapist for decades and that his crimes were an open secret in Hollywood.
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