Sentences with phrase «series of flashbacks»

This opening follows an initial series of flashbacks with material from the earlier installations, reminding us of some of the details from Bourne's last adventures, including the discovery of his true name.
Even better is a scene - stealing turn from Michael Peña as his fast - talking friend, who narrates an inspired series of flashback sequences.
In the Season 6 premiere, a shocking revelation about the fate of a major character leads to a season - long series of flashbacks that will reveal the events leading up to the tragedy.
Told through a complex and not always distinguishable series of flashbacks and spectral visitations, it tells the story of a Z - grade, junkie filmmaker who receives a mysterious package from a deceased former friend containing reels of film, a key and an audio - recording.
But it weaves together a compelling series of flashbacks that have real emotional stakes in the present.
Clearly, something is amiss — and soon enough, through a well - presented series of flashbacks, we are shown the missing family (Maya Strange, Julian Garner, Tiarne Coupland and Liam and Riley Parkes), as they were, while also being introduced to a pair of local grifters (Aaron Pederson, Aaron Glenane) who are clearly up to no good — although exactly what that is remains unclear.
Told through an efficient series of flashbacks, recounted by Natalie Portman's serious, clever cell biologist Lena, we gradually learn the creepy nature of the Shimmer, itself a wobbling wall of light that looks like the prismatic rainbow swirls that might collect on top of a sudsy bowl of water, and the mutating horrors it contains.
But then at the end, we get a never - ending series of flashbacks that go on way too long, and come from the mind of Simmons» supporting character, not Affleck's.
Well, things happen, as we learn in a sudden series of flashbacks that break the narrative pre-climax; it's just that the audience isn't privy to what actions beforehand are important and for what reason until then.
Through an elaborately connected series of flashbacks, we see lives separated and isolated, a city of people who can't relate to one another, largely thanks to the things that crash — cars.
On that walk, he encounters the ghost of Chino Otogawa, his former spiritual mentor in Soto Zen Buddhism — and that begins a series of flashbacks and flash forwards to events in his life, including him witnessing his own memorial service (where he grumbles about some of the production elements).
It is told in a series of flashbacks by various characters on the «Pilgrimage», including John of Gaunt himself, Katherine Swynford (his third wife), Geoffrey Chaucer, and Adam Scrivener, Chaucer's scrivener or copyist.
Through a series of flashbacks,... [MORE]
Present - day reminiscences by these two characters frame «I, Tonya,» which plays out as a series of flashbacks, during which Robbie occasionally breaks character to directly address the camera.
The back - story could have been better told through a series of flashbacks rather than thick dialog.
A series of flashbacks describe Cal's domestic malaise and disillusionment with his life.
As pressure mounts in the hotel room, Cooke smoothly tells their backstories in a series of flashbacks, each stimulated by something the couple says or feels.
We follow her story through a series of flashbacks with Garland frequently jumping around in time, back and forth, forth and back, as it suits his method of storytelling.
He separates each sequence with a series of flashbacks, fully detailing the wedding chapel massacre that began it all, as well as the Bride's not - quite - tongue - in - cheek training with white - haired kung fu master Pei Mei (Gordon Liu).
In a story told through a series of flashbacks, an eight - year - old girl in French Colonial Africa accepts the subjugation of the black natives by the white colonists as only natural.
The drama unfolds in a series of flashbacks, as Alex tells his story to police Inspector Netusil (Harvey Keitel) who is investigating Milena's apparent suicide attempt.
Director Jennifer Yuh Nelson, who oversaw the elegant title sequences from the first film, likewise gives Kung Fu Panda 2's series of flashbacks a different look, harking back to Chinese shadow puppetry and delicate watercolors.
Told in a series of flashbacks, the movie is breathtaking to behold.
As Jane and Dan fortify the homestead, a series of flashbacks fill in the soapy details of relationships between Jane, Bill, Dan, and Bishop.
Once Pi sits Rafe's fictional writer down, he starts to tell his story in a series of flashbacks.
Through a series of flashbacks, we learn about Florence and Edward's academic and personal interests, family perspectives, and the circumstances that led them to their fateful honeymoon.
The story: Chief Rash (Danny De Vito) is a detective in the sleepy town of Verplanck, NY, investigating the murder of a much despised townswoman, the ironically - named Mona Dearly (played with pleasantly malicious gusto by Bette Midler, in a series of flashbacks).
The Longest Five Minutes presents its basic fantasy tale as a series of flashbacks experienced by its amnesiac main...
Constructed as a series of flashbacks showing Snowden (Joseph Gordon - Levitt) relating information to journalists in his hotel room, the film packs many details of the man's real life story in its 134 - minute runtime.
And there is a lot of that particular family dynamic here, reduced by Norwegian director Roar Uthaug and the screenwriters to a series of flashbacks and discovered notes that clunkily try to round out her humanity while moving the plot forward.
She returns throughout the movie in a series of flashbacks, and the ferociousness of her comic attack is a delight.
Through a series of flashbacks, the film follows the tale of the violin over the centuries, from its initial creation through all of its many owners over the centuries.
He finds those who worked and lived with Kane to find out the story, and through a series of flashbacks he finds out more about the megalomaniac.
Reflecting on his life, he has a series of flashbacks starting from his childhood in Roubaix — his mother's attacks of madness, his father's alienating depression.
Maika's character Mandy appeared only in a series of flashbacks so they seem to jump around a little bit.
Where Memento separates itself from the rest is in the way with which writer / director Nolan (Insomnia, Batman Begins) has chosen to tell his story, through a series of flashbacks upon flashbacks of a man that can't remember any of them.
Paul has a series of flashbacks that unfold in three episodes, including his childhood in France, his student trip to the U.S.S.R. and his university life back home.
The game is told through a series of flashbacks that tell the story of Marius's rise to power as a commander in the Roman army.
Meanwhile, we also gain information about Taylor - Joy's Casey through a series of flashbacks showing her going buck hunting with her father and uncle.
The life and romances of Count Almásy, a Hungarian map maker, are told in a series of flashbacks as he lays gravely wounded.
Maria's childhood in Vienna is beautifully evoked in a series of flashbacks that recall her privileged existence, right up to her wedding on the eve of the Anschluss in 1938.
Told in a series of flashbacks by a condemned man, to a priest, I Sell the Dead is the tale of two graverobbers — Willie Grimes [Larry Fessenden] and Arthur Blake [Dominic Monaghan]-- who become ghouls — sellers of the dead whether stationary or not.
The movie is told in a series of flashbacks after Jake has been captured by Price's heavy (Morris Chestnut).
In the penultimate episode of Season 2, «Billions» pulls off one helluva hoodwink: «Golden Frog Time,» the series» most deliciously effective hour yet, convincingly fools the audience through a series of flashbacks and setups, that the great Bobby Axelrod (Damian Lewis) has pulled one over on his nemesis, Chuck Rhodes (Giamatti).
Through a series of flashbacks, Muir recreates the relationship he had with Bishop as a mentor, as well as for the possible reasons why Bishop would attempt a dangerous prison break to begin with.
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