Sentences with phrase «serious about blogging»

I've been waiting for you to have a party ever since I got serious about blogging a couple of months ago.
If you're serious about blogging, do yourself a favor and use stock photos!
If you are serious about blogging, want to bring in extra income, or launch a freelance career like me — you need to be self - hosted.
It is a higher cost option, but it's great if you are serious about blogging for the long term, desire to monetize your blog and don't want the additional work that comes from self hosting and putting the pieces together yourself.
Obviously, I wasn't ready to be serious about blogging.
If you are serious about blogging and optimising your posts for SEO, then a support tool like SEOPressor is a must.
Go through WordPress and if you're serious about blogging go with a self - hosted site and invest in a premium theme like Thesis.
Either that or I'm getting less serious about blogging and trying my best to enjoy life.
Don't forget, if you're serious about blogging and want to take your blog to a new level in 2015, this is the last week to get your ticket to Design A Life You Love — Blogging For A Living, a six week online course and mentorship program I'm running.
Haha, if I get really serious about blogging I'll have to invest in a better camera.
I love your office space, and I think that if anyone is serious about blogging that they should create a space of their own.
If you are serious about blogging in the longer run, then go for business as it give you the most control over plugins, design etc..

Not exact matches

I have been freelance blogging on and off for over six years but started to get really serious about it in 2013.
Jeremy, Susan Cottrell blogged about Kevin DeYoung's 40 questions and gave her answers: Susan tried to give serious answers to the questions.
You know, like things involving what house do I want to buy, what preschool am I going to send The Bug to, am I going to send King Stuff to daycare part time and, you know, get really serious about this whole blogging career.
And I only want to work with you if you are serious about science blogging.
I only work with self - hosted WordPress blogs, because that's the right choice if you are serious about science blogging.
As I mentioned before, if you're serious about getting into blogging you should host your own site (meaning you have your own domain name, instead of
Why Graham Ervin is a Top Fitness Blog: Anyone who's serious about fitness and wants a blog that will keep them motivated will love Graham's approach to fitness blogging.
An editorial calendar is a necessity for any blogger serious about improving their blog contents, blogging in general and time management.
Getting more serious about style blogging derailed me from my less - is - more values... and I feel like a hypocrite.
It took me a serious wake up call to realize that I should stop tanning, which I blogged about yesterday.
After blogging at for about a year, I wanted something less serious, so I started blogging about my love for bargain clothing / shoe shopping.
Blogging about serious issues, Laura still manages to make her work extremely enjoyable to read, avoiding coming across in a preachy manner.
God Help the Girl is a story that doesn't get too blogged down with the more serious issues of Eve's anorexia and depression, while also not being flippant about the topic.
If you are serious about guest blogging, join the forum started by Ann — My Blog Guest.
Random Fun Things and Commentary: 13 Blog postings reposted to FB: 6 (this is high because I'm blogging the book) Stuff My Kids Say: 5 Business / Industry Stuff: 4 Talking About Writing or My Books, But Not Promo: 4 Serious Posts: 2 Straight Promo: 2 Promoting Other People: 1 This one surprised me: Other People Tagging Me In Posts: 10
Blogging can be lucrative if you've got a niche and are serious about building an audience.
I've been blogging for a long time, decided to make it a serious venture about a week ago, and as I've begun to peruse the multitude of travel blogs the only one I found featuring a black person was yours.
There was an interesting debate going on on David Whitley's blog a few weeks ago about exactly how much travel bloggers are earning, and despite claims from a few well - known exponents of making some serious coin, I find it hard to believe that many people are making a genuine living from blogging.
Its members consist of those travel bloggers that are serious about the profession of travel blogging — not hobbyists.
We've blogged about serious drug charges in the past.
Then Fox gets serious, recommending Bruce MacEwen's excellent roundup of legal blogging in response to question of billable hour / life balance, and adding a postscript about his own life that certainly resonates with me:
If you are serious about using blogging to attract clients, you need to invest the time to set up your Technorati Profile correctly.
The case raises serious questions about how the Crown and the judge in the case understand commonly used devices, says McCarthy Tétrault LLP technology and IP lawyer Barry Sookman, who blogged about the decision.
We also offer weekly blogging services for agents and brokers who are serious about real estate internet marketing.
If you're serious about mortgage blogging as a marketing strategy, you should be publishing your own original content.
While blogging started as a hobby for me, I'm looking to be a bit more serious about it, so I really appreciate this post.
Now, thanks to you (who sent me to...), Nester (who blogged about...), Pink, I can buy that e-book and get down to some serious measuring - cutting - sewing of slipcovers!!!
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