Sentences with phrase «serious buzz»

Other contenders include «Citizenfour,» which will screen at NYFF next week, «The Overnighters,» which is building serious buzz, and «Stray Dog» from Debra Granik, which can find the «Winter's Bone» director in the conversation once again.
And FATE Brewing takes the IPA into another tangent with Moirai Coffee IPA, a style with serious buzz potential.
She's the breakout filmmaker behind the cult sensation «A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night» (our review), which earned serious buzz all through 2014 (and received a lot of shine in our Best of 2014 coverage), and her latest sounds like another promising take on genre tropes.
The Kindle «Multi,» with a color touch screen and faster screen refresh, could accomodate Vook offerings by Anne Rice and other authors, and like th iPad it is bound to generate serious buzz and love.
But he didn't exactly exude charisma, couldn't seize any issues that captivated the public's attention, didn't garner any significant endorsements, or otherwise generate any kind of serious buzz.
Getting serious buzz as its heads into its Telluride Film Festival debut in just a few days, Ralph Fiennes» second film as both director and actor takes on Charles Dickens (Fiennes) and the fact he had a mistress named Nelly Ternan (Jones) for 13 years right up until his death (Dickens was forty - five and had been married some twenty years when they met while Ternan was seventeen).
Hungarian filmmaker László Nemes» debut received serious buzz when it hit the festival circuit this year, in part because of its fresh perspective on an era the international film world knows well.
Factor in the hiring of the Oscar - winning Douglas, whose star has never been higher in the Hollywood firmament following the Emmy and Golden Globe - winning success of Liberace biopic Behind the Candelabra, and this starts to look like a movie with serious buzz.
That's not to say it's completely devoid of Oscar bait, because «Spotlight,» «Carol» and «The Danish Girl» are all earning serious buzz, but this month is geared more towards high - profile fare like the new Bond movie and the final installment of the «Hunger Games» series.
And with sleek designs or revolutionary functionality, they all caused some serious buzz in 2015.
Two recent journalist interviews have created a serious buzz amongst LFC supporters and may move the media microscope to an entirely different group of players.
There is some serious buzz goin» on about it.
The much - praised director of Oldboy and Sympathy For Mr Vengeance is now set to bring us Stoker, a horror / drama that has some serious buzz around it - and not just because of Park's previous work.
Our Take: This film is building a serious buzz — mostly for the performance of Tilda Swinton, who is a great actor on her worst day.
The horror - thriller generated some serious buzz after it premiered at South by Southwest, and boasts a sterling 95 % fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (Balzer + Bray, 2/28) Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, Thomas» YA debut is building some serious buzz.
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