Sentences with phrase «serious contention»

The phrase "serious contention" means a strong disagreement or argument between two or more people or groups. Full definition
Was there anyone else in serious contention for his role?
Candidate: An applicant brought to the level of serious contention; someone who made it to the final round.
He's never been in serious contention at the end of a Masters weekend, however, and now he's got a great shot to get there in 2017.
Let's not limit our aspirations to top four in EPL let us plan for serious contention for the title and for that we would need talent and we would need the hunger to compete and win, «they wanted it more than us» was never good reason and it should never be in future.
Elizabeth Banks (Love & Mercy)-- If the Brian Wilson biopic manages to get John Cusack and / or Paul Dano into serious contention for Best Actor and / or Best Supporting Actor, it's certainly conceivable that Banks could come along for the ride.
It struck out at the PGAs, DGAs, SAGs, and WGAs, which all but eliminated it from serious contention in the Best Picture race.
I think at this juncture, he is playing the cards exactly right, and within reason, find himself in serious contention again for awards recognition.
Check out the changes and see what's in serious contention now...
Currently 10th and 11th on the list are Kate Winslet (Wonder Wheel, 80/1) and Annette Bening (Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool, 100/1), but I think they'll both overleap Jessica Chastain, Judi Dench, Nicole Kidman, and Emma Stone to come into serious contention once their films have been seen more widely.
Yes, it still had high comfort, a stylish interior, strong reliability and all that other good Toyota stuff, but low power, hefty weight and a high price were three strikes that took it out of serious contention as a sport coupe / hatchback.
Pain and Suffering: This concept is easy to understand though it can be a point of serious contention between plaintiffs and defendants.
Garrett Hedlund, Jai Courtney, Miyavi and Domhnall Gleeson also star in the film which now becomes the third - highest debut ever for Christmas Day after Sherlock Holmes in 2009 ($ 24.6 m) and Les Miserables in 2012 ($ 18.1 m) and is expected to earn north of $ 40m over this weekend - a financial footprint that industry types say is potent enough to propel the actress back into serious contention for this year's Oscars.
Parking around the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus is the cause of serious contention for residents of Buffalo's Fruit Belt neighborhood.
Spieth is now a long way from serious contention.
Spieth won the green jacket in 2015 and was in serious contention in the years before and after that.
When Ashcroft previously polled these seats he found UKIP in an extremely close second place, this time he found them falling back and seemingly out of serious contention in three of them:
The UK remains in serious contention for a manufacturing location, Sir James insists, along with Singapore, Malaysia and China.
If all goes well it looks like Kubica could be in serious contention for a race seat in 2018.
(Most) Other teams: Sporadic playoff appearances, rarely in serious contention for a championship, lacking organizational stability and consistency, usually chasing their own tail, constantly overspending in free agency to compensate for their mistakes.
The far - right BNP is in serious contention for seats in the North West, West Midlands and Yorkshire and the Humber regions.
The party fared even less well at the European elections and the two by - elections in Dublin West and Longford - Westmeath, with Labour candidates not being in serious contention to win a seat in any of these five contests.
While neither candidate was in serious contention to win a seat at any stage during the counts (although Murphy did move within 2,474 votes of Nessa Childers on the 3rd Count following the distribution of Brid Smith's preferences — he won 31.3 % of these), the extent of their transfers to Nessa Childers helped her to take the second seat in this constituency.
I had to reach a decision before the end of the year, so I will be in serious contention
Many think she's in serious contention for a Best Supporting Actress nomination and even Oscar # 4.
This is just at the rumour and wishlist stage currently, but Twitch were first with the stories about Spike Lee and Josh Brolin, so we can be reasonably confident when they tell us that Rooney Mara is in serious contention for the female lead in Oldboy.
Similarly, while few who see «Short Term 12» come away not wowed by Brie Larson, a minor bow at SXSW, and Cinedigm as distributors, mean that she won't be in serious contention, but look out for her at the Indie Spirits.
In serious contention for the top three awards Sunday?
With almost no reasoning for such a bizarre foreshadowing, Gregg then launches weeks into the past, with Howard competing against a rival agent (Sam Rockwell) for ownership of Lydia (Saxon Sharbino), who's in serious contention to star in a new franchise that is, according to Lydia, «like Harry Potter.»
But with a rapturous response from critics (RT score 94 percent and holding), Looper has the buzz and support to step into some serious contention, if not in the major races, then in tech areas that previously seemed beyond its reach.
But there is no serious contention about this point.
«With the way the season began for our Daytona Prototype program it was great to see how our teams rebounded and were in serious contention for the DP manufacturers championship until the end of the season.
The 2016 Jaguar XF is the second generation of Jaguar's BMW 5 - Series fighter, a car that brought Jaguar from also - ran into serious contention for the first time in this segment when it was introduced.
The longer a divorce takes, the more those frustrations can build, which often leads to serious contentions.
Here in USA we actually had an admitted socialist in serious contention for the presidency.
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