Sentences with phrase «serious damage to the kidneys»

Over the counter pain meds like ibuprofen, aspirin and acetaminophen can all cause serious damage to the kidneys if you take them regularly every day.
That mistake caused very serious damage to my kidneys that still troubles me 20 years later.
Modern environmental pollutants, UTIs, and drugs like NSAIDs can lead to serious damage to the kidneys, and processed foods only increase the risk.

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The risk that the antibiotics will cause damage to the fetus is very small and is outweighed by the damage that could be done if you were to contract a serious kidney infection.
Unmanaged preeclampsia can prevent a developing fetus from getting enough blood and oxygen, damage a mother's liver and kidneys, and, in rare cases, progress to eclampsia, a much more serious condition involving seizures.
If left untreated, HELLP can lead to a number of serious complications, including kidney and liver damage, placental abruption and pulmonary edema.
The EU's executive commission maintains that the chemicals pose a serious health risk and may lead to liver, kidney and testicular damage.
Some recalled playthings (check recall lists on (the Consumer Product Safety Commission's site) have double the legal lead limit, and lead poisoning is serious — it can lead to kidney damage, learning and growth delays, and more.
Because kidney disease tends to have no early symptoms, most people who have the disease don't know it until serious damage has been done, and may go untreated.
Serious cases can lead to gangrene, kidney damage, stroke, and even death, but arterial bypass surgery or amputation rarely alleviates the condition.
One of the most serious classifications of this disease is known as diffuse scleroderma wherein the «sclerosis» (hardening of the tissue) occurs in the internal systems of the body, causing damage and widespread scarring to the skin as well as to various internal organs such as the lungs, kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal organs.
This leads to an increase in blood pressure, which then ups your risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney damage, and other serious health problems.
Blood sugar is partially regulated by the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, if insulin levels are too low, or the body becomes resistant to its effects, type - 2 diabetes results and high blood sugar levels can cause serious health issues, including heart, kidney and eye damage.
However, extended use of NSAIDS can cause intestinal bleeding and serious damage to the stomach, liver and kidneys.
More serious kidney damage is indicated by your dog not urinating at all, and at this point, it's absolutely imperative you get them to their vet immediately.
Other possible side effects include dehydration and nutrient absorption loss, which can lead to serious nutritional imbalances, even causing grave damage to the gastrointestinal tract, brain and colon or potentially igniting kidney and heart issues.
A long - term reliance on pharmaceutical drugs can lead to other health problems, such as serious damage to the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, amongst other chronic conditions.
This compound can be dangerous when ingested regularly (especially if you are going to start using cinnamon every day) as it can cause serious health problems, including liver and kidney damage.
Potassium: High levels of potassium in the body can pose a serious risk to those with kidney damage or kidneys that are not fully functional.
If the heartworms have caused serious damage to your dog's heart, or if he is older or has a kidney or liver problem, you may want to use the above treatment concurrently with Crataegus (hawthorn) tincture to strengthen the heart.
Left untreated, the buildup of plaque and tartar can cause pain, inflammation and tooth loss, and could lead to more serious infection, potentially damaging the liver, kidney or heart.
Periodontal infections have been linked to serious health conditions such as kidney disease, liver disease, worsening heart damage to those with pre-existing conditions, blood clots, and insulin resistance.
Your dog may seem to recover from the immediate symptoms after about 12 hours but the effects of the ethylene glycol will continue to cause serious damage to your dog's kidneys.
Periodontal disease can lead to more serious bacterial infections that eventually damage the liver, kidneys, heart, and other organs.
Just one mothball has the potential to sicken a dog or cat and mothballs that contain naphthalene can cause serious illness, including digestive tract irritation, liver, kidney and blood cell damage, swelling of the brain tissues, seizures, coma, respiratory tract damage (if inhaled) and even death (if ingested).
Bacteria from periodontal disease enter the bloodstream, circulate and take up residence in the kidney or on the leaf — like valves of the heart, causing serious damage to these organs.
Similarly, dental plaque needs to be removed — it doesn't just cause bad breath, but can lead to more serious conditions such as heart valve damage, and kidney disease.
Since kidney damage is the most frequent serious side effect in humans taking cyclosporine, your vet needs to periodically evaluate your pet's urine to check on the pet's kidney function.
Once an animal is infected with heartworm, serious damage to the lungs, heart, liver and kidneys can result.
The fevers are unpleasant and can be dangerous if the fever rises to 106ºF but what makes this syndrome a serious problem is the accompanying kidney damage.
On the other hand, Colchicum autumnale can be much more serious and may cause severe vomiting, diarrhea (possibly with blood), liver and kidney damage, and possibly bone marrow damage, which could then lead to a decrease in white and red blood cells, as well as platelets.
The kind stranger rushed him to a nearby veterinary hospital, which fortunately works with our Adirondack Region Cat Rescue and Adoption Center, in Glens Falls, N.Y. Magoo suffered not only frostbite and serious nerve damage to his back legs, he was also so dehydrated that his kidneys began to fail.
Aspirin, Tylenol ®, and ibuprofen can cause serious problems for dogs, from intestinal bleeding to kidney or liver damage.
If not properly treated, dental problems can cause a buildup of bacteria that may lead to serious damage to your pet's heart, kidneys, liver or lungs.
Failure to observe veterinary instructions while administering pain medication may lead to serious side effects including irreversible damage to the dog's liver or kidney.
More rare and serious side effects can include trouble breathing, trouble swallowing, kidney damage and liver damage (in these cases, you should take your dog to a veterinary urgent care clinic immediately).
Leptospirosis is a serious illness that damages the kidneys and liver and can be transmitted to people.
As bacteria from the inflammation and infection associated with periodontal disease is released into the bloodstream, this can lead to damage to other organs such as the heart, kidney and liver, resulting in serious health problems.
Poor oral health can lead to serious infection and illness that can cause lasting damage to your pet's heart, lungs, liver or kidneys.
«Gum inflammation and tooth loss can be very painful to your animals and costly to treat, but they also can lead to more serious conditions, including damage to the heart, lungs and kidneys
Type 2 diabetes is a serious medical condition that can lead to heart disease, blindness, nerve damage, kidney disease, and death.
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