Sentences with phrase «serious discourse»

The title of the exhibition hints at a very serious discourse around psychology, reality / fantasy, and location.
The David Springer - versus - Robert exchange is a juvenile race - to - the - bottom, that would be pretty darn funny if Climate Etc weren't (at its best) a forum for serious discourse.
This is an especially deadly charge when measuring art of a feminist provenance: It's still rare enough that such art is considered worthy of serious discourse.
And the fact that it's «entertainment» doesn't mean we can't learn from the incredible interest in a relatively low - tech exploration and serious discourse involving the same kind of source material law firms all over the country work with every day.
Mr Hameed added: «Dr. Bawumia is not going to allow himself to be dragged into the realms of absurdities by persons who obviously lack the intellectual wherewithal to debate the real issues and engage in any serious discourse.
It is a key component of a free and democratic society, but if you want serious analysis and serious discourse you have to look to serious journalists doing their job.»
The problem is not that they are valueless, but that they are much less valuable and much less genuinely respectful of serious attachment to either facts or reasoned elaboration than they appear to be, much more susceptible to «bullshitting,» and in the end, in my view, more damaging than some fake story on Facebook to serious discourse or an attachment to integrity and seriousness in thinking and argument.
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