Sentences with phrase «serious emotional injuries»

She claimed that she sustained serious emotional injuries as a result of consuming a rat head which had been inserted into a Big Mac hamburger.
When injuries are severe, riders and families can experience serious emotional injuries, including mental anguish and pain and suffering.

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In children, brain injury (including acquired and traumatic brain injury) can have a diverse and serious impact on emotional well - being.
These include poor diet; substance abuse; too little sleep and rest; too many social, emotional or physical pressures; serious or repeated injury; chronic illness; repeated infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia; allergies; exposure to a toxic environment; and a mother with Adrenal Fatigue during gestation and birth.
Traumatic brain injuries and other serious head injuries can cause emotional, physical, and financial devastation to the victim and the victim's family.
Being involved in a motorcycle accident can cause serious injuries as well as emotional damage.
This type of serious personal injury has a major impact on a person's life and will likely cause financial, physical and emotional problems.
Limousine accidents can be serious and traumatic for all parties involved, and they may result in serious injuries such as whiplash, broken bones, internal bleeding, paralysis, brain damage, as well as emotional and psychological trauma.
Domestic violence is a serious issue, both personally and legally, and one that our Los Angeles attorney takes very seriously, as the consequences can result in both physical and emotional injury that can devastate families for years to come.
Have you suffered serious injuries that now cause difficulties in your life from emotional, practical or financial perspectives?
While no amount of compensation can replace the life of a loved one or fully compensate the victim for serious and catastrophic injuries such as brain damage or paralysis, we seek to recover reparation for medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress to the maximum extent allowed by the laws of the State of California.
Coping with the physical and emotional trauma of serious injuries is never easy.
Attorney Ventura has handled many cases involving a wide variety of injuries, both physical and emotional, ranging from muscle and ligament injuries to more complex cases involving serious neurological and orthopedic injuries (such as brain and spinal injuries and serious fractures) requiring surgeries and leaving individuals with lifelong impairments and disabilities.
At Strong Law Offices, we understand the physical, emotional and financial stress which can be caused by a serious work injury.
Dog bites can cause serious injuries, disfigurement, and emotional trauma.
Besides the physical pain, serious injuries can result in emotional trauma, financial jeopardy, and the time - consuming road back to health through doctor's visits, physical therapy, or extended nursing care.
The plaintiff argued that they suffered a series of serious physical injuries, and as a result they brought a claim for those physical injuries in addition to emotional distress, medical bills, and loss of income.
With serious physical injuries, may also come severe emotional harm.
Dealing with the emotional, physical and financial toll of a serious back injury can be overwhelming.
If your loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury in a Kentucky car accident or other serious accident due to the negligence of another, one of the best things you can do for them is to be understanding of their emotional changes.
As these accidents frequently result in serious injuries, victims and their families are often forced to endure a number of physical, emotional, and financial setbacks.
A tremendous amount of physical, emotional and financial stress is placed upon the victim and the entire family when someone has suffered a serious burn injury.
Emotional distress: This type of damages is usually for more serious accidents; it is intended to compensate you for the psychological pain of your injuries.
Serious injuries such as these come with their fair share of medical costs, loss of income and even emotional distress.
A school bus accident can result in serious injuries to the children involved in the areas of both physical and emotional distress.
Witnessing the victim's injury or death caused the bystander to suffer serious emotional distress.
According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Gary Fox filed a suit in Common Pleas Court and claimed he still suffers from serious emotional and physical injuries after the near death experience from the boat accident.
Different forms of pain and suffering that can be factored into this loss can include mental and emotional suffering, damage to the injured plaintiff's professional and personal reputation (especially if there is serious disfigurement), and the possible worsening of those injuries.
Pain and suffering compensation, commonly known as «non-economic damages,» seeks to compensate you for the emotional burdens caused by serious accident injuries.
Intentional wrongdoing may cause serious bodily injury or emotional trauma to a victim, as in the case of an intentional and willful attack with a firearm or other deadly weapon.
However, prosecutors argued that, because Drewes suffers from dementia, «That emotional distress could cause a risk of serious bodily injury
When it comes to recovering full compensation for serious injuries and emotional trauma, we know how to get maximum compensation.
Given the vulnerability of a pedestrian, such accidents can lead to serious emotional and physical injury, including death.
Dealing with a dramatic life changes resulting from a serious spinal injury takes a serious emotional toll, and no one should have to do it alone.
However the injuries were not debilitating, nor had she suffered any significant emotional trauma or serious marital discord.
At Dana J. Watts, Attorney at Law, we understand the physical, financial and emotional impact serious injuries have on our clients and their families.
Once the person who caused the accident is identified, you need to establish whether the nature of your injuries meets the «Serious Injury Threshold,» which is a major prerequisite for successfully bringing a lawsuit for a non-economic loss like emotional suffering and pain.
A serious injury case can devastate lives and throw families into emotional turmoil.
We know that injuries cause not only physical pain, but also serious emotional pain and stress, and thus we pride ourselves on outstanding client service.
Severe lacerations, nerve damage, scars, fear and anxiety - the effects of a dog bite injury are serious and can cause long - term physical and emotional damage.
Unfortunately, these accidents do occur and can take a serious physical, emotional, and financial toll on victims and their families, so if you or a loved one were injured in an accident involving a taxi cab, please contact Naqvi Injury Law by calling (702) 553-1000 or by completing and submitting one of our standard contact forms and we will assist you in setting up a free consultation with an experienced taxi cab injury lawyer who can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.
Nursing home abuse and neglect put the wellbeing of our elderly loved ones at risk on a daily basis, leading to serious injuries, emotional trauma and even wrongful death.
Unfortunately, every year there are many elevator accidents, and the people involved can suffer serious injuries as well as severe emotional trauma.
Unfortunately, these accidents (especially serious ones) sometimes cause more than just bodily harm: accident victims can also suffer from emotional injuries, too.
A large number of these attacks, result in individuals experiencing serious physical injuries in additional to emotional damages.
Whether the injuries were minor, serious or fatal, physical or emotional, it might be time to contact a Kansas City motor accident attorney.
In cases of more serious injuries, and facing lost wages because you can't work, or hiring others to help you because you can't perform your normal duties, you will no doubt be experiencing much more stress and emotional turmoil, as well as facing the pain of the injuries.
A serious injury can impose serious physical agony and cause you to suffer from debilitating emotional distress.
Vehicle accidents not only hold the possibility of a serious injury or death but also may take a great emotional and financial toll.
From a home fire to a workplace explosion, a serious burn injury accident can result in devastating physical, emotional and mental damage.
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