Sentences with phrase «serious human attempt»

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In a fascinating post on The Conversation blog, Maynard makes an argument that won't surprise anyone who has read any fictional account of human's interplanetary future — colonizing other planets probably won't bring out the better angels of our nature, and any attempt to put people on Mars will require overcoming serious social and political problems, such as:
Or rather a truly serious attempt to confront the mysterious idiosyncrasies of human sympathy and the limits of our imaginations?
Of course, we are engaging a Mystery in the deepest sense when we seek a direct encounter with God and existentialism has its serious limitations as do all human attempts at understanding; but I am drawn to Kierkegaard's insight into prayer:
Let us then devote a few paragraphs to a serious consideration of those traditional «last things» and attempt to see what, in their own perhaps odd way, they may have to tell us about ourselves and about human destiny.
Then there is wisdom, human wisdom, man's intelligent ordering of his life, the serious employment of right reason, the attempt to find the proper way of life, the whole enterprise that takes form in political action and personal morality, in social work and poetry, in economic management and the building of temples, in the constant improvement of justice by changing laws, in philosophy and technology, the manifold wisdom of man which is also inscribed in the wisdom of God and which may be an expression of this wisdom, the first of all God's works that rejoiced before him when he laid the foundations of the world (Proverbs 8:22 ff.).
Honest men try to tell the truth, but in order to do so they are obliged, like liars, to tell stories... Stories have been told, and told with imagination, in the serious attempt to speak the truth that concerns human life most deeply.
Then we have looked at public prayer, saying a great deal about its congruity with human nature and human life and attempting to show that it is both a duty and a privilege for anyone who would call himself a Christian in any serious sense of the term.
The ability to erase traumatic memories in humans, as shown in the film «Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,» remains science fiction for now and any attempt to do so would raise serious ethical considerations.
The scenes of the raccoons attempting to replicating human form and behavior is often hilarious, but the undercurrent of the comedy is serious, a plea to save the vanishing wilderness of Japan.
He's just some self - serious humanoid walking the Earth, talking about assimilating into human kind without making any attempt to do it.
His subject of old and new aerodynamic technology meets apocalyptic showdown has a curious taste: On first glimpse the heavy bronze cast rockets and air balloons appears as a serious technological inquest into the subject, but on a deeper examination — juxtaposed with other works such as «Old Peculiar» (2015) combining everyday inexpensive materials such as cardboard, wax, and foam with deliberately clumsy attachments, it transpires Alex's is creating amusing objects exploring human endeavors and failed attempts.
Unlike most European countries (including the United Kingdom) and Japan which rely on quota systems, Canada and the United States have attempted to alleviate the serious problems of unemployment and discrimination experienced by their handicapped citizens by including them amongst the protected classes in their human rights legislation.
Charles Kuhn, who joins Clydes from criminal law and human rights firm Hickman & Rose, is best known for acting for Ryan Reich, who the Serious Fraud Office alleged had attempt to rig benchmark borrowing rates.
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