Sentences with phrase «serious legal matter»

Legal aid certificates are still only available for the most serious legal matters, including charges where a jail sentence is likely, child protection or domestic violence issues and immigration and refugee matters.
When going through serious legal matters, do not put your case in the hands of just any attorney.
He can address your issues relating to adoption, spousal support, enforcement proceedings, child custody and other serious legal matters while also providing you with the necessary tools to get started.
When you are facing serious legal matters, you deserve to have your voice heard by the people who will be helping you, and that means always getting to speak with a lawyer about your case.
He added that Price, who was appointed to the Superior Court in 2003, typically deals with more serious legal matters.
Chris: I send out a mix of tweets from serious legal matters to how to make the perfect cocktail... and that seems to work well for me
Nonetheless, it seems terribly easy to get a law license and represent another person in a serious legal matter in which a lot is at stake without anyone really keeping an eye on the ball.
Even a misdemeanor offense can be a serious legal matter in Ohio.
If you are currently involved in a serious legal matter that can not be resolved out of court, you can trust our experienced law firm to stand at your side.
Hit - and - run accidents in North Carolina are serious legal matters.
Appointing a committee is a serious legal matter, as it removes a person's right to make his or her own decisions.
Whether big or small, if you have a complex or serious legal matter that may require unique attention and high - level legal talent, please feel free to contact us.
These are serious legal matters and can not be resolved by paying a ticket, as you would if you were cited for speeding.
We have more than 30 years of combined legal experience and have successfully handled a variety of complex and serious legal matters, including charges for statutory rape.
Personal injury is a serious legal matter.
Representing yourself in any serious legal matter is simply unwise.
Aaron's representative cases convey his capacity to handle a diversity of complex and serious legal matters.
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