Sentences with phrase «seriously damaged property»

If your policy is among these, you may find yourself responsible for excessive out - of - pocket costs if an earthquake seriously damages your property, unless you have supplemented your policies with the extra insurance provided by a suitable earthquake insurance policy.
Hurricanes can bring strong winds, big waves and flooding — or all three — to a region, seriously damaging properties from top to bottom.
If your policy is among these, you may find yourself responsible for excessive out - of - pocket costs if an earthquake seriously damages your property, unless you have supplemented your policies with the extra insurance provided by a suitable earthquake insurance policy.
A bad storm, break - in or car can seriously damage your property and force you to make repairs.
Poor property management, unscreened and unreliable tenants, tough local and state eviction laws and statutes, and seriously damaged properties can all dent cash flow.

Not exact matches

«I think anytime there's a threat made and there's potential damage to someone's property, whether there a politician or just a member of the business community or just a resident, we have to take every threat seriously.
Seriously, we're not responsible for property or personal damages here - do it in the game.
Trucking accidents can have seriously devastating consequences, including property damage and severe physical injuries.
If your child has been seriously injured or killed in an accident, then the owner and occupant of the property where the accident occurred may be legally liable for damages.
The correct test where the claim has a real prospect of success is in three stages: to consider (i) whether the children had a seriously arguable case that they would succeed at trial in obtaining a proprietary interest in the property; and if so (ii) whether either or both parties would be adequately compensated by a damages award; and if not (iii) where the balance of convenience between the parties lies.
If a person is seriously injured while on another person's property, and that property owner was negligent in keeping their land reasonable safe from hazards, he or she may be responsible for damages related to the injury, such as medical bills, lost wages, future medical costs, pain and suffering, or mental anguish.
At Harrell & Harrell, P.A., our boating accident attorneys take every watercraft - related case seriously, and we have the experience and expertise to help you obtain a fair compensation for your personal injuries, medical expenses and damaged property.
That means if your oil tank leaks, your home and property could be seriously damaged, and you would be responsible for the cost of the entire cleanup.
Failure to carry the minimum amount of personal injury protection and property damage liability could lead to the suspension of your Deltona driver's license, which can seriously affect your Volusia County DHSMV driving record.
With 1 in 15 insured homeowners filing a claim for property damage each year, it's clear that Kansas homeowners have to take weather - related threats seriously.
If a fire were to hit your Tinley Park rental property, it could seriously damage or destroy any of your personal belongings that you might have inside the home.
Although tornadoes have never killed anyone in NV, they have seriously injured people and caused millions of dollars in property damage.
[FN52] Calls to 911; police reports; restraining orders with their supporting affidavits; convictions and criminal records; medical records; photographs of injuries or of property damage; the affidavits of neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family members; answering machine tapes or notes with angry messages or threats; journals kept by the client or her children; detailed records of problems with provisional arrangements for child transfer — all these and more may provide actors in the family court system with the documentation they need to take the abuse seriously.
Peacemaking or mediation can help sort out disputes or fights over money, when property has been damaged, when people have been assaulted (but not seriously)[and excluding most family violence] or when there is jealousy and harmful talk being spread.
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