Sentences with phrase «seriously ill children»

Individual brokerages contribute to a wide range of community causes, including granting the wishes of seriously ill children, raising funds for women's shelters, providing winter coats to those in need and sponsoring children in developing countries.
She's been a Make - A-Wish volunteer for the past 15 years, helping to grant wishes for about 100 seriously ill children in her southern Indiana region so far.
Danna Johnson has delighted dozens of seriously ill children over the past 18 years with that simple question.
The charity provides a home away from home for the families of seriously ill children.
«Thank you for your interest; I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Qualified Supervisor who has 30 years of experience working with the most seriously ill children, teens, adults and families in hospital, residential and Community Mental Health Center outpatient settings.
The Family Fund gives grants to families with disabled or seriously ill children for things that make life easier and more enjoyable.
Parents of seriously ill children reported hopes over time.
Families with disabled or seriously ill children will be able to apply for items and activities that will make a real difference to their family lives.
One of the most well - known examples of a CSR program is the Ronald McDonald House, a charity created by McDonald's to support the families of seriously ill children, funded by the company and the donations of customers leaving their change in a box at the register.
Leading artists (such as Gillian Wearing and Michael Landy) have been asked to create works inspired by the wishes of these seriously ill children as part of a project called The Art of Wishes.
Now Mogie, the dog that didn't seem good enough, is making a big difference in the lives of seriously ill children.
Washington — Communities must expand efforts to coordinate medical, educational, and social services for seriously ill children and their parents, U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop said last week.
• The Cyber Village Academy (CVA) in Minnesota was originally set up in 1998 to be the first online learning charter school to serve seriously ill children (often home - or hospital - bound) and home schoolers — now a total of 140 students in grades 4 — 8.
✨ My holiday wish this season is for all children to have happiness and love in their lives ✨ The Starlight Children's Foundation's mission is to brighten the lives of seriously ill children.
The organization provides an urgently needed national fundraising mechanism for its member hospitals, helping them care for seriously ill children and tackle the toughest health issues facing all kids.
«As critical care has improved and medical centers can keep seriously ill children alive longer, the question has evolved from can we perform a transplantation to should we do a transplant operation.
Skelos, during a brief Q&A with reporters Tuesday afternoon, expressed support for marijuana being available in an oil form to help seriously ill children but also voiced reservations about legislation that would legitimize pot smoking.
The Cuomo administration has sent two letters to the Justice Department, asking federal officials for a waiver in order to import out - of - state marijuana for seriously ill children.
It will also allow employees to take up to 12 weeks of paid time off from work to care for seriously ill children, spouses, domestic partners, parents, grandchildren, grandparents, and siblings or parents of spouses or domestic partners.
These stars will be auctioned on eBay ( from November 8th through November 15th with all proceeds going to the Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to making a world of difference for seriously ill children and their families.
The judge asked if she believed, «independent of all logic», that such a bond could continue in such a seriously ill child.
Caring for a seriously ill child takes a tremendous toll on the whole family, and healthy siblings are no exception.
When Andrei is forced to treat the seriously ill child of a senior secret police officer, his every move is scrutinized, and it becomes painfully clear that his own fate, and that of his family, is bound to the child's.
AB (A Child)[2018] EWFC 3 (16 January 2018), Sir James Munby P — Seriously ill child; permission to local authority to withdraw care proceedings; a care order had been set aside on appeal.
The California Paid Family Leave insurance program provides up to 6 weeks of paid leave to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, parent, or registered domestic partner, or to bond with a new child.

Not exact matches

These zealots are seriously ill, and we are collectively failing their children.
CEO of Bethel Music and Bethel Media Joel Taylor has asked for prayers for healing after his two young children fell seriously ill.
Near El Paso, Tome, who was expecting her second child, became seriously ill.
And while an older child may handle the disease without problem, those exposed young babies may become seriously ill.
Though I certainly know what it's like to worry when my kids don't feel well, that can't begin to mirror what it must be like to have a child who is seriously ill.
Spence believes that having an on - site physician at a camp is especially beneficial if a child becomes seriously ill or injured while at camp.
As part of the week leading up to that, during one circle time, Mikey's teachers taught them about sickness and health, and asked the kids what they would do to help another child who was seriously ill.
Medicine is only needed if you or your child becomes seriously ill with celiac disease or if complications develop.
Tree of Hope offers hope to the families of seriously ill and disabled children in the UK who need specialist, surgery, treatment and therapy in order to free them from suffering, giving a better quality to their young lives.
The governor's highly touted family leave plan would grant up to 12 weeks of paid benefits for any New Yorker caring for a newborn child or seriously ill relative.
It would grant up to 12 weeks of paid benefits for any New Yorker caring for a newborn child or seriously ill relative.
Others have cited cases in which children got hold of liquid nicotine and became ill, and they point to reports that a teaspoon can seriously harm or even kill a child.
But in disorders such as Dravet Syndrome, this did not work since the children were so seriously ill that they themselves never went on to have their own children.
«The BMA believes that preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) should be permitted to select embryos that are most likely to provide a suitable tissue match for an existing child in the family who is dying or seriously ill, so that stem cells from the umbilical cord could be used to treat that sibling.»
You're particularly vulnerable in the emergency room (ER) and intensive care unit (ICU), where odds are you're already seriously ill and require multiple procedures from time - stressed providers, explains Janet Corrigan, PhD, of the National Quality Forum in Washington, D.C. «You're also at risk on the hospital's pediatric floors because of the challenges of caring for children
Somewhere in your community, there are people — men, women, even children — who are seriously ill and out of options.
All employees should have access to a minimum standard of at least seven paid sickdays per year, and most teachers are covered by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, which provides up to 12 weeks of job - protected leave to care for a new child, a seriously ill family member, or to recover from one's own serious illness.
EI may also help Canadians who are sick, pregnant or caring for a newborn or adopted child, as well as those who must care for a family member who is seriously ill.
Canadians who are sick, pregnant, or caring for a newborn or adopted child, as well as those who must care for a family member who is seriously ill with a significant risk of death or who must provide care or support to their critically ill or injured child may also be assisted by Employment Insurance.
He has over 30 years experience working with at risk children, adults, and their families, as well as working with seriously and persistently mentally ill persons, both on an inpatient and outpatient basis.
Sokolova herself stated, «Depressed kids do not look like depressed adults,» and, «Symptoms for mental disorders can be so nonspecific that even parents can not tell if the child is being rambunctious or seriously ill
Symptoms for mental disorders can be so nonspecific, that even parents can not tell if the child is being rambunctious or seriously ill.
The definition of harm in relation to a child is: «assault, ill - treatment or neglect of the child in a manner that seriously affects or is likely to seriously affect the child's health, development or welfare, or sexual abuse of the child».
he definition of harm in relation to a child is: «assault, ill - treatment or neglect of the child in a manner that seriously affects or is likely to seriously affect the child's health, development or welfare, or sexual abuse of the child».
We have read many a mis - guided and ill informed custody evaluation where the seriously enmeshed relationship between the alienated child and the alienating parent is described as being «very close» implying that this kind of closeness is healthy.
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