Sentences with phrase «serologic tests»

Serologic tests, also known as serology or blood tests, are laboratory tests that analyze a person's blood to detect antibodies or antigens produced in response to an infection or disease. These tests help determine if a person has been exposed to a particular virus or bacteria, like COVID-19, by checking for specific antibodies. Basically, it's a way to check if someone has had a certain infection in the past or to diagnose current infections. Full definition
Blood was drawn for serologic testing for Brucella antibody.
The most common serologic testing performed at our hospital for routine health screening in dogs is the heartworm test and Lyme antibody test.
However, two recent studies of CFS patients from the United Kingdom using PCR testing alone or together with serologic testing reported negative XMRV results in 186 and 170 CFS patients, respectively [16, 17].
Further, current serologic tests often can't distinguish between related flavivirus infections in dengue - endemic regions.
Due to the complexity of performing this test, it can have an extended turnaround time and higher cost than other serologic tests.
Serologic testing at CDC utilized a Western blot (WB) assay that showed excellent sensitivity to MuLV and XMRV polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies, and no reactivity on sera from 121 US blood donors or 26 HTLV - and HIV - infected sera.
This finding illustrates the need for multi-antigen serologic tests.
SLE - key rule - out serologic test for excluding the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus: Developing the ImmunArray iCHIP.
Thus, the high amino acid relatedness supports the use of this isolate for WB serologic testing.
Clinical Findings: In dogs, infection should be identified by serologic testing prior to the onset of clinical signs; however, it should be kept in mind that HW antigenemia and microfilaremia do not appear until ~ 5 and 6.5 mo postinfection, respectively.
The MAT is considered the gold standard serologic test to confirm Leptospirosis.
In one large urban shelter, the odds of a positive serologic test result increased significantly by 2.2 for every three additional days in the shelter.
Unfortunately, vaccination of FIV - negative cats rendered currently available serologic tests (ELISA and Western blot) positive for at least a year following vaccination, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)- based tests do not reliably identify cats with natural infection.
Currently most reliable method for confirming infection is called serologic testing to identify special proteins called antibodies the body makes to fight the virus.
The most reliable way to diagnosis canine influenza is paired serologic testing on two blood samples — one collected during the first week of clinical illness, and another taken 2 - 3 weeks later.
Performance of serologic tests used to detect heartworm infection in cats.
Once heartworm disease has been diagnosed, a veterinarian will want to monitor with serologic testing.
The focus of his recent work has been on the emergence of Senecavirus A in Colombia, investigating the likelihood of infection of breeding stock during transit, and strategies for monitoring PRRS and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae naïve populations of pigs with current serologic tests.
Other diagnostic methods are available including culture, microscopic agglutination test (MAT), immunofluorescence, darkfield microscopy, other serologic tests, and real - time polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Intradermal testing (IDT) or serologic testing for immunoglobulin E was desirable, but was not required to have established the diagnosis
Blinded PCR and serologic testing were performed at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and at two additional laboratories.
Use of serologic testing to assess immune status of companion animals, JAVMA, vol 213, No 1, July 1, 1998.
When assessing clinically ill cats for Bartonella species infection, Dr. Lappin suggests the combination of serologic testing and PCR assay are more accurate than either alone.
(Tizard Ian, Yawei N, Use of serologic testing to assess immune status of companion animals, JAVMA, vol 213, No 1, July 1, 1998.)
This could be a problem for cattery owners who use serologic testing to maintain a coronavirus - free population.
p. 17» Despite the confusion and controversy surrounding antibody testing, these serologic tests are useful for monitoring immunity to CDV, CPV - 2, CAV - 1, and RV.
On completion of the puppy core vaccination series with the last dose given at 14 - 16 wk of age, a dog can be expected to have an antibody titer or positive test result, regardless of the serologic test performed, provided the serum sample is collected > 2 wks after the last dose of vaccine.»
Serologic Test - These tests can be performed on blood serum to detect the presence and / or number of antibodies against certain organisms or certain parts of the organism itself.
Serologic testing is unavailable, skin snip biopsy for microfilaria is unreliable and microfilaria are not found in the bloodstream.
However the body takes approximately one week to make antibodies, and thus one needs to analyze more than one sample of blood to accurately perform serologic testing.
Tizard I, Ni Y. «Use of serologic testing to assess immune status of companion animals».
There's an excellent discussion about testing puppies in the 2006 American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Canine Vaccine Task Force Report (page 13) entitled «What Are The Possible Applications of Serologic Testing
The serologic tests of interest are IgG titers for feline panleukopenia, feline herpesvirus, calicivirus, and feline syncytial virus.
Duties incorporated into sample resumes of Medical Technologists include performing duties related to specimen processing, such as rapid immunologic and serologic testing; and completing scheduled assignments, such as CAP surveys, to ensure laboratory accreditation.
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