Sentences with phrase «serve as a cautionary tale»

I wish I had served as a cautionary tale.
In 2003, The Kavanagh Decision (Newfoundland Association of Public and Private Employees v. Newfoundland) serves as a cautionary tale we all need to be mindful of.
«It's a sobering and stark statistic and should serve as a cautionary tale that doing nothing is a disaster.»
Suddenly, a book about pigs taking over a farm begins to serve as a cautionary tale on how political dogma can be turned into malleable propaganda.
The Streisand Effect, named for its namesake Barbra and an ill - fated lawsuit, should serve as a cautionary tale about bad press.
The negative attention that Honest Company's liquid laundry detergent has received recently serve as a cautionary tale to product producers: a company's ability to verify how products are made and what they are made of diminishes with the length of the supply chain.
But its latest marketing initiative, an ill - conceived promotional contest entitled «My Ultimate Bucket List,» should serve as a cautionary tale for companies looking to steer through a PR catastrophe.
The data seems to serve as a cautionary tale for publishers that have hitched their wagon to Facebook, only to get hit when the social giant's traffic firehose slows to a trickle.
And their drawn - out feud serves as a cautionary tale for both cash - strapped governments flirting with default and the combative speculators looking to fight them in court.
Econo - metrics: The July trade report also serves as a cautionary tale of what life could be like without NAFTA, as exports to the U.S. and Mexico suffered significantly
Maybe I'm here just to serve as a cautionary tale.
These stories have served as a cautionary tale for me, and I am sick of the hype surrounding how we feed our babies and the outright hubris of some people who have not had these experiences.
It serves as a cautionary tale that we parents must take care to be intentional about promoting secure attachment in our relationships with our children and in guarding our children's hearts while we guide them through how we discipline.
Although the Eloi - Morlock relationship was clearly meant to serve as a cautionary tale of the horrors of class distinction, Wells imagined a biological phenomenon remarkably similar to what scientists like Pfennig and his colleagues are working on today.
Rochelle Sturtevant, an ecologist who studies the Great Lakes for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, hopes Leprieur's study can serve as a cautionary tale as developing nations join the global market and undertake activities that threaten to introduce exotic species into their relatively pristine ecosystems.
At the same time, Kalydeco serves as a cautionary tale.
His best friend and ex-rodeo star (Lane Scott) left paralyzed after a riding accident should serve as a cautionary tale, but somehow he motivates Brady to persevere.
There is nothing inspirational or touching about the story in Florence Foster Jenkins, but it instead serves as a cautionary tale about privilege, the effects of money, and the cruelty of men.
And the 1987 thriller «Fatal Attraction» served as a cautionary tale about casual sex in the age of AIDS.
But for those who believe that higher - education improvement is more likely to result from the efforts of educators, communities, and entrepreneurs than from the dictates of officials in Washington, NCLB's legacy should serve as a cautionary tale.
As litigation involving the misuse of technology by students and teachers in the US continues to grow, this article relies on examples of American litigation to serve as a cautionary tale for Australian educational leaders and governing boards as they work to develop acceptable use policies (AUPs) to regulate computer use by students and teachers.
Explaining the Greek Financial Crisis to Students The financial crisis that has crippled the Greek economy serves as a cautionary tale against irresponsible spending.
But while there is much room for optimism, Calhoun County also serves as a cautionary tale.
Louisiana serves as a cautionary tale about the adverse effects of a uniform testing mandate.
This is a hard story to tell, but I want to share it with you in the hope that it will serve as a cautionary tale.
The story of Polly Williams serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of partnering with school choice donors, politicians, and think tanks.
When reform leaders point to New York now, it serves as a cautionary tale about how sweeping reforms can dissipate seemingly overnight.
What follows is a fun and candid skit that serves as a cautionary tale for educators preparing to receive student feedback.
One area where the separation of church and state gets fuzzy in America (and perhaps where the Irish religious schools question should serve as a cautionary tale) is through the school voucher movement.
These findings serve as a cautionary tale for the capacity of the accountability provisions embedded in the recent reauthorization of NCLB, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), to meaningfully improve student and school outcomes.
While there's not much self - publishers can do to influence the outcome of the Hachette - Amazon dispute, this affair should serve as a cautionary tale about placing too much power in the hands of a single retail outlet.
But is it Apple's job to serve as a cautionary tale?
And it serves as a cautionary tale for younger people who are not saving enough for their own retirement.
The information contained in your credit report can serve as a cautionary tale about your past spending habits, and as motivation for getting your finances back on track.
The veterinarian added that this story should serve as a cautionary tale to pet owners throughout the state.
So while my story can serve as a cautionary tale for what not to do when volunteering with a rescue, it's not meant to dissuade anyone from getting involved in such a rewarding and worthwhile effort.
Regardless of who's at fault, though, the whole episode serves as a cautionary tale.
I hope that it can serve as a cautionary tale for the industry: we want games that focus on the things that games do best, not ones that try to emulate the style of other media.
Carmichael argues that the continued oppression of African Americans is rooted in economic and educational inequality, while de Falla's opera serves as a cautionary tale about the polarizing social implications of class distinctions.
If that means 8 - foot long snakes in the toilet, maybe they can serve as a cautionary tale and we can start thinking twice about ravishing every last wild place left on the planet.
A fatal accident involving a Tesla Model S vehicle that happened in Florida should serve as a cautionary tale to drivers in California who are considering purchasing self - driving cars.
A recent Court of Appeal decision serves as a cautionary tale for local planning authorities — and will no doubt result in landowners dusting down their historic permissions...
Although the European Commission made what we believe were a series of mistakes in the early stages of implementing the platform — such as diverting funds towards third - party projects that never came to fruition or not following through with its original plans, which including labels and partnerships with major European commercial sites — , all of which have undeniably had a role to play in the lack of success of this enterprise, ECODIR mostly serves as a cautionary tale regarding the issue of funding online dispute resolution systems.
And, of course, if we weren't taken seriously, we weren't going to make a difference other than, perhaps, serving as a cautionary tale.
The case may serve as a cautionary tale of what can go wrong for separated or divorced parents who plan to take their children in or out of the country on holidays this summer.
However, the problems at SNC - Lavalin have likely served as a cautionary tale for other large companies — especially those with operations in multiple countries, about the need to be able to conduct cross-border internal investigations that are effective and independent.
A case heard in May 2009 in the Central London County Court, Jacklin v Fraser Property Management Ltd, T / a Martin and Co (Bedford), serves as a cautionary tale for agents and tenants.
Though it's sad to hear about such stories and the losses these people suffered, many times they'll serve as cautionary tales about how not to live in North San Jose.
By Andrew Feldstein This recent decision serves as a cautionary tale to those who disobey disclosure orders.

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Its descent into chaos should serve as just the latest cautionary tale to other countries that are willing to risk stability and prosperity for even more socialism.
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