Sentences with phrase «serve learners with special needs»

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«When the charter industry begins serving students with special needs and English Language Learners at the same rate as traditional public schools, and cracks down on the fraud, mismanagement and abuse prevalent at so many charters, perhaps its leaders can then join our longstanding fight for the equitable funding that all kids need
In the application we submitted to XQ it contained a lot of information that carried over, but basically the petition describes in detail what the school will look like from instruction to school leadership to legal compliance to how we serve children with special needs or English - language learners, behavioral supports.
He said charters take funding from district budgets and are disproportionately built in underfunded urban districts that serve greater numbers of English - language learners and students with special needs.
The Children's Guild District of Columbia Public Charter School will serve all students including the accelerated learner, the struggling learner and students with special education needs, tailoring instruction to the needs of the student.
Second, and more important, the test results made it abundantly clear how poorly our schools were serving black, Hispanic, and low - income students, English language learners, and students with special needs.
Data show that privately run charter schools serve significantly fewer students with special needs, English language learners and more difficult to educate students.
A new report in the Wall Street Journal reveals that a charter school run by the United Federation of Teachers in Brooklyn serves a disproportionately small number of English - language learners and students with special needs.
Data show that privately run charter and voucher schools serve significantly fewer students with special needs, English language learners and more difficult to educate students.
Independent charters in LAUSD serve 1 % more English learners and 2 % fewer students with special needs than traditional schools do.
Charters serve all students, including those with special needs and English language learners.
In the Harbor School application, Capital Preparatory Schools, Inc. (CPS — the Charter Magnet Organization that will provide «whole school management» services for the school) proposes a commitment to serving students with a history of low academic performance, students with a history of behavioral and social difficulties, students eligible for free / reduced lunch, students in need of special education and English language learners.
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