Sentences with phrase «serves different ads»

To make ads more relevant and personalized, Hulu is testing dynamic ad insertion, which serves different ads to different audiences based on their characteristics.
With the help of Cambridge Analytica, Mr. Trump's digital team used dark posts to serve different ads to different potential voters, aiming to push the exact right buttons for the exact right people at the exact right times.
In a November 2016 op - ed in The New York Times, he writes that President Donald Trump's digital team used hyper - targeted posts to serve different ads to different potential voters, «aiming to push the exact right buttons» at the right time.

Not exact matches

BBDO, a Bangkok ad agency, decided to take a different route toward healthy eating by focusing on how food is served rather than how it's cooked.
They originate from domains different from the one in the address bar — for example, those serving the site's banner ads.
For instance, they showed a Saturn ad that used Google Earth images to zoom in to a particular dealershp in Las Vegas and then dissolved to a video of the manager OF THAT STORE, plus a call to action — one of 20 different ads that would be served up depending on where the viewer lives.
So while the TV spot released by Spitzer's campaign yesterday served to acknowledge the candidate's better - known scandal, the ad pivoted with a very different message.
Ms. Brennan has served as Sole Arbitrator, Co-Arbitrator, Chair of the Tribunal, Secretary to the Tribunal, and counsel in a number of cases under different institutional rules, including JAMS, UNCITRAL, ICC, AAA, and Ad Hoc proceedings.
That means that NBC Sports can serve up different ads from the same advertisers for a tablet user and a TV viewer at the same time, for instance.
Technically, it's not much different to Google scanning your email and serving ads based on their content.
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