Sentences with phrase «serves the purpose of»

They understand that their role is to serve the purpose of the organization, to support the people within the organization and to create value for the all of the organization's stakeholders.
They serve the purpose of understanding oftentimes unarticulated and not - so - obvious patterns of insights — which I add — data and analytics can not uncover.
So if bitcoin is flawed enough not to be considered a proper asset class, can it at least serve the purpose of being a currency?
With micro apps, developers can create a basic copy of any of the native apps found on the Play Store or App Store, with minimal functionality and these copies can be tweaked to serve the purpose of another publisher.
Gas is actually very important for Neo platform as this token serves the purpose of paying for running smart contract operations, which means that Gas is actually powering up smart contracts, which is one of the most important features that Neo has as a platform.
It would serve no purpose that any such god could conceivably have, but such nonsensical fear mongering DOES serve the purpose of church leaders who want to herd everyone under them.
I don't think the Mormons would consider it «respectful» or «tolerant» if a group of non-Mormons co-opted and reinterpreted their sacred rituals to serve the purposes of their own non-Mormon faiths.
It only serves the purpose of the fringe atheists, the fringe religious, and those who profit from it.
@saraswati» I still believe that prisons serve a purpose of deterence and keeping people off the street and (very occassionally) rehabilitation»
To say all nuns are perfect is just serving the purpose of those engaged in direct battle against the priesthood.
What does «serve a purpose of deterrence» mean?
Our lives are so short compared to the age of the universe, we need an eternal purpose to give our lives meaning... So, the only way I see to do that is to serve the purpose of something eternal, namely God.
Recently, Pastor Kong has exhorted us to focus on our core values, and serve the purpose of God with greater effectiveness and sustainability.
We know that religion, at the very least, has been manipulated by man to serve the purpose of man, and should therefore be questioned.
Jeremiah was one of those books that was allowed into the Bible by order of Emperor Constantine because it served the purposes of the Orthodox Church at the time.
It will only serve the purpose of reminding the Moslem that they have failed in their teaching.
But however this goes, it is clear that even a religiously informed practical reason must have some theory, knowledge or intuition about these needs if it is to serve the purposes of a practical theology
It really didn't serve the purpose of being a weapon, although it could be used for that.
As in past centuries of Christian conversion, the missionary and military sometimes went hand in hand, each serving the purposes of the other, and not always in a manner or a spirit consonant with the spirit of Christ.
Obama is a Muslim who thinks it's OK to pretend to be anything as long as it serves the purpose of Islam.
These are after all relative to time and circumstance and are subject to judgment on the basis of whether or not they serve the purposes of love.
Latest was explosions in India marked as «Islamic Jihadists» and another in Pakistan although I was surprised that it was not marked as «Hindu Jihadists»... That would have had both Great Countries confront each other serving the purpose of other competing nations over the Rich Indian Peninsular... Believe me no nation fall back unless people of her own are traitors to it's nations principals and beliefs for the reason of Hate, Envy, Revenge, or Greeds towards material wealth even if by selling their Dignity and integrity or their family, tribe, community, the nation and the country it wouldn't mean much to them... and those can be found among every level of the one Society...
How can Kierkegaard's writings hope to serve the purpose of an antienvironment therapy for Christians?
Perhaps that's the real test of these narratives; distinguishing between those who would embrace and defend any atrocity for the self - serving purpose of displaying allegiance and those who resolutely reject such atrocities in favor of empathy.
The Israelite Melekh, the God who led Abraham in his wanderings, differs from other gods of the way in that He does not serve the purposes of the people by leading them to a place that they know and wish to go to.
These serve the purpose of recapturing the original spoken quality of the Bible.
His first function is that of building or «edifying» the church; he is concerned in everything that he does to bring into being a people of God who as a Church will serve the purpose of the Church in the local community and the world.
The example of postwar Kenya, where the total fertility rate apparently rose from about six to nearly eight during a generation of substantial improvements in health, and despite nearly twenty years of family planning efforts, should make it clear that increasing parents» freedom to choose will serve the purposes of parents, whether or not these are in accordance with the preference or ideology of the government and its advisers.
There is a ministry belonging to all Christian people as participant in the Body of Christ; as the Good Friday prayer puts it, «every member of the same, in his vocation and ministry» is to serve the purposes of God in Christ.
They embrace the Internet, as it serves their purposes of linking similar Christian communities to one another and sharing resources.
This corrective also served the purpose of presenting to the church a new understanding of itself and of the autonomous modern world, and it reminded us what it means to be a Christian in the world come of age.
This corrective also served the purpose of presenting to the church a new understanding of itself and of autonomous modern world, and it reminded us what it means to be a Christian in the world come of age.»
This structure of the self, the spiritual, develops within the psyche (soul) and serves the purpose of being potentially fully open to the initial aim.
It will serve the purpose of orientation for us to realize that to meet just this problem is one of the functions of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.
It may serve the purpose of clarity if having made this qualification I state bluntly my thesis that the utopianism in the liberal faith had a lasting value which it derived partly from the Christian faith and partly from what was valid in the world view of the Enlightenment.
The choice may be a biblical story, but there are many stories from all kinds of sources that may serve the purposes of Christian teaching.
The Latin word resurrectio appears to have been created for Christian use, and while the Greek equivalent anastasis is certainly pre-Christian, it does not seem to have been widely used until Christian times, some scholars thinking that, when Paul referred to it at Athens, his hearers mistook it for the name of a goddess.26 The idea of resurrection first came to expression in the form of a narrative, and until the advent of the above technical terms, words of very general usage, such as «raise», «wake up», «stand up», etc., served the purpose of relating it.
He shows how Paul argues that the goodness God demonstrates in the Church serves the purpose of calling the Jewish nation to repentance and faith in their Messiah.
To use the term «utopian» merely as a scornful epithet does not serve the purpose of clear thinking.
for me... serves the purpose of refueling with other people who believe in Christ.
But I guess today's media will latch on to anything it can to manufacture news which serves the purpose of the association very well as well.
The meaning of scripture can be twisted to serve the purposes of men so we must do everything that we can to ensure that the «Good Words» that are taught are the actual words of Yehoshua rather than the selected words of Paul and the Old Testament that form the basis of discrimination against women, racial minorities, homosexuals, and «different» religions (including atheism).
So far as we can tell today, there is no single pericope anywhere in the gospels, the present purpose of which is to preserve a historical reminiscence of the earthly Jesus, although there may be some which do in fact come near to doing so because a reminiscence, especially of an aspect of teaching such as a parable, could be used to serve the purpose of the Church or the evangelist.
They are presented in more or less their original form because in this form they served the purpose of the Church, or the evangelist, and not because there was any historical interest in the original form as such.
Privacy is not a major concern because she already released the content of the email so releasing does serve a purpose of confirming her account.
They have tried to commit themselves to all sorts of things, gods and half - gods, which they think will serve the purpose of saving them.
In the end, although no accommodations were made that explicitly affirm pastoral solutions incompatible with doctrine or current practice, several elements of the final report supply loopholes that serve the purposes of those who are determined to permit the divorced and civilly remarried to receive the Eucharist.
These elements, along with the Gothic character of the purpose - built stained - glass windows and rood cross, provide a plausible context for the spolia, which can thus serve their purpose of adding value without stealing the show.
God intended equality among men; but «private property, slavery, imperialism, the State itself, appear in post-Fall society as regulations of God to preserve nature, which is always being disrupted by sin».26 Justice thus appears as the rough, necessary, coerced order of human societies which is not wholly antithetical to love, since it serves the purpose of God in the creation and history.
In this article we shall try to bring out how marriage flows from and serves the purpose of the coming of Christ and his union with the Church.
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