Sentences with phrase «serving vulnerable student populations»

During the 84th Legislative Session in 2015, the legislature passed a law with the unintended consequence of reducing the funding for public charter schools with unique programs, often serving vulnerable student populations.
These resources «should be at the core of any school or program, particularly those serving vulnerable student populations,» the report states.
«Many of these schools exist to serve a vulnerable student population, and therefore deal with significant challenges,» said Robert Balfanz, research scientist and co-director of the Everyone Graduates Center at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education.

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But while Democrats recognize that some consolidation is inevitable, they are concerned that vulnerable populations like special - needs students will not be served.
The high school, which serves children from all of New York City's five boroughs, has a very distinct and vulnerable population of students.
Charters serve a particularly vulnerable population, with over 70 % of students from low - income families.
Think of the various educational crimes charter schools are often accused of: not serving an equitable percentage of vulnerable populations over zealous test prep, counseling students out, unrealistic demands of parents, and teaching to the tests.
As a consequence, in many schools — especially those serving the most vulnerable populationsstudents often face a revolving door of teachers over the course of their school careers.
As a consequence, in many schools — especially those serving the most vulnerable populationsstudents face a revolving door of teachers over the course of their school careers.
With North Carolina's increasingly diverse student population, intentionally and systemically promoting racial equity will be essential if the state hopes to dismantle historical racial and structural inequities to better serve its most vulnerable students.
This reflects the perception of students as «money» — considering the amount of funding given for enrolling certain students compared to the actual amount of resources that need to be allocated toward their education — described by Jabbar, with offending schools unwilling to bear the responsibility of serving some of the city's most vulnerable student population (2015).
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