Sentences with phrase «set number of repetitions»

There are many ways you can run this drill for example having a set time at each station or by having a set number of repetitions of each Technique / Combination for each Combatant you have participating.
For years, many, if not all bodybuilders trained by lifting weights a set number of times — if the weights started to get light or easier to lift, they would simply add more plates but still lift the set number of repetitions.
Waiter's Walk & Farmer's Walk Performed with a single heavy dumbbell, these unusual exercises are performed for distance instead of a set number of repetitions.

Not exact matches

Reynolds and others have toyed with a number of theories to explain this phenomenon, and of course, I have my own — I have spoken, after all, of «Rock... [setting] a certain pattern of middle - class mixtery - music that was doomed from the beginning to fall into its now - obvious mode of Perpetual Repetition
They achieve these results by using moderate to heavy weights in their routines, as well as larger number of sets and repetitions to pump their muscles with blood.
Determining the right number of sets and repetitions in a workout is an important job and a very difficult one at the same time.
In the same way that you should» t do the same swim, bike and run workouts all year long, if you use the same strength training volume and intensity, and the same sets, weight and the number of repetitions all year long, you'll experience burnout and decreased performance.
We have to understand that in order to gain muscles, we have to make sure that, yes, our protein intake is quite high but, more importantly, that we are lifting heavy weights in the gym following a consistent, efficient hypertrophy program that takes into consideration the number of sets and repetitions, the tempo, the training volume, the time under tension, the duration of rest between the sets, etc., etc..
The number of sets and repetitions depends on your fitness level.
On completion of your set, perform an identical number of repetitions for your opposite arm.
Please note, that the set and rep scheme provided is just a guideline, the number of repetitions you can do varies from individual to individual (also referred to inter-individual differences), as well as it varies between different muscle groups (also referred to as intra-individual differences).
It is for this reason that your online personal training program will be designed specifically for you and will provide you with every exercise, number of sets and repetitions that you need to do for each workout as well as videos showing the correct form of every exercise so that you know exactly what to do and how to do it.
A number of studies have shown significant increases in testosterone levels immediately following resistance training, especially bodybuilding type training using multiple sets of a moderate number of repetitions while taking fairly short rest periods.
This can be done by setting a predetermined goal of a certain number of repetitions or alternatively you can forget about counting reps and just do the exercise for a certain amount if time.
But the most important thing isn't the number of repetitions or sets, rather than that you should focus on your heartbeat.
I'd recommend choosing three to four, and performing a higher number of repetitions and fewer sets than you would for your compound lifts.
The reason is, that it is quite a complex topic and there are more variables influencing the number of strength training exercises you chose as well as the number of repetitions and sets that can be performed.
A good rule of thumb is that as the number of sets increases, the number of repetitions decreases, and vice versa.
«Start slowly and gradually increase the number of exercises, sets, repetitions and weight used as you become comfortable with the exercises.»
• Use 1 - 2 measurable events to set as data points that you can test and retest → For example you could track a 1 repetition max deadlift, a mile sprint time, or your max number of pullups.
To make an exercise, including push ups, more difficult and more effective you can simply increase the number of repetitions that you do, you can do more sets of more reps, take shorter (or no) breaks, use more weight by adding weight to your back or a weighted vest, or you can increase range of motion with your push up bars — while taking pressure off your wrists.
Each exercise is performed for a specified number of repetitions or for a set time before moving to the next exercise.
Other variations for your gripper training include modifying the set depth used, the period of time holding the gripper closed, the number of repetitions with the grippers, etc..
Set → The total number of repetitions you perform before resting or switching exercises.
Circuit Training is a convenient way to exercise because it maximizes the total exercise volume (number of sets, repetitions, and amount of weight) completed in a short period of time.
By changing the intensity (weight), the repetitions per set, the number of sets, the speed of the exercise, and the rest period between sets you can influence the way your body changes and adapts.
Five sets of 20 throws gradually increasing the number of sets and number of repetitions assuming no pain during, after or the next day.
The plyometric training volume is calculated in total repetitions, so all repetitions you do in a set multiplied by the number of sets.
The only real difference between people who want to build muscle and people who want to lose weight is the weight, number of repetitions, rest between sets, and what they eat.
If you're a beginner, start with 2 - 3 sets of 10 - 12 repetitions, and increase the number of sets and reps as you get stronger.
The recommended number of repetitions for this exercise is 10 - 12 times for at least 2 sets.
Volume is the number of weight, repetitions, sets and exercises done in order to achieve mass or bulk.
Typically, the weight used, total repetitions per set, the repetition tempo and even the total number of sets per muscle group are all taken into consideration when targeting a specific physical goal.
You do optimal number of sets and repetitions.
Leaving aside the last paragraph about the difficulty of performing higher repetitions in a set of Front Squats and working around that dilemma by doing more sets of lesser repetitions, there is no magical formula or special consideration about the number of sets to choose for a Front Squat as to any other exercise.
Once you can do the required number of sets and repetitions you would then move onto either a more difficult version of that exercises or a different one.
Each workout will generally include three sets of this number of repetitions.
To find the number of repetitions you should perform in each set, do as many sit - ups as you can in two minutes and divide this number by three.
In a nutshell, the total repetitions (repetitions multiplied by the number of sets) are connected to the training intensity, or better the higher the training intensity, the less total repetitions you are able to do.
The basic principles of strength training involve a number of repetitions (reps), sets, tempo, exercises and force to cause desired changes in strength, endurance, size or shape by overloading of a group of muscles.
You perform a relatively high number of repetitions, 15 to 25 per set, for one or two sets.
A set is the selected number of repetitions before you rest.
The log included the number of sets completed, and repetitions performed for each exercise and logs were turned in every 2 weeks to verify compliance to the study protocol.
Continuing to lift it for the same number of sets and repetitions will promote little or no further response; you will stagnate.
As you get familiar with the moves and your abs getting stronger, increase the number of repetitions and sets, and include more kinds of core exercises.
If you now add up the total repetitions and the total number of sets, you can conclude that the total duration of maximum strength training (and / or power training) is somewhere between 60 to 70minutes.
Exercises are either performed with a high number of repetitions (12 to 15), or more often, are performed for a set time (e.g., 30 seconds);
However, repetition sets in and the escalation of set pieces reaches some sort of a peak here: there are good - to - great action, chase and fight scenes (Bryan Singer's X-Men films still have an edge on depicting superpowers) but there's also a limit to the number of times people can be kicked through walls before the scraps start to feel samey.
In addition, users can select a set of stretches, the number of repetitions, and the time between stretches.
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