Sentences with phrase «set of assumptions»

It arose from «a new set of assumptions about future fertility».
She arrived in Number 10 with an entirely different set of assumptions than those that kept options open.
Wow, you took someone else's data, applied your own set of assumptions and claim to have «proved» the point you set out to prove.
If you're going to work with an agent, you need to have roughly the same set of assumptions.
It is important to note that our estimates involve a particular set of assumptions about likely ice sheet behavior.
What's important, in my opinion, is to look at the numbers, have a reasonable set of assumptions, and formulate a plan.
Scenario - A plausible and often simplified description of how the future may develop, based on a coherent and internally consistent set of assumptions about driving forces and key relationships.
We have forgotten that behind every claim to a biblical lifestyle or ideology lies a complex set of assumptions regarding interpretation and application.
A black - and - white set of assumptions was at work on both sides.
This is better than doing no planning at all, but I think a customized set of assumptions is always better than using a generic rule of thumb.
This could be outlined in a statement of work or project charter as set of assumptions.
To address this uncertainty, you should create several portfolio options, with various sets of assumptions, to evaluate a wide range of possible outcomes.
In my previous posts and articles, I've made a slightly different set of assumptions.
The laws were constructed around a particular set of assumptions about school district capacity and commitment.
In a side - by - side comparison of a renter and an owner, using a reasonable set of assumptions, we see that a comparable financial outcome can be achieved.
Using the most favourable set of assumptions of employment growth at 0.75 % per year and wage growth of only 1.51 % per year over 11 years, I find that the federal minimum wage proposal would only directly boost the wages of 52,361 individuals.
Arrow and Debreu were able to show the existence of an equilibrium between supply and demand in a free, competitive economy — but they also made clear that this could only exist if a given set of assumptions about the economy and consumer behavior were true.
For savers, this circumstance could mean that the whole set of assumptions embodied in retirement income plans are called into question.
Using the least favourable set of assumptions of employment growth of 0.25 % per year and wage growth of 2.76 % over 11 years, I get a figure of 24,347.
In reading historic papers, it is easy to fall into the trap of assuming that investigators of the past are working on the basis of the same underlying set of assumptions in common use today.
«You could take this same model or a different model and arrive at different cost numbers using a your own set of assumptions for «business as usual» or interests rates, for instance,» Supekar said.
There's an underlying set of assumptions about the world that have been present within this set of thread of Western thoughts that weren't necessarily the way the Bible's authors thought.
In his March 2015 paper entitled «Making Sense Out of Variable Spending Strategies for Retirees», Wade Pfau compares via simulation ten retirement spending strategies based on a common set of assumptions.
In the end, while standard macroeconomic reforms may work in theory — albeit under an unrealistic set of assumptions — they've never worked in practice.
Forward - thinking companies actively develop the collective literacy and contextual intelligence of the board — cultivating, in particular, a shared set of assumptions about where their industry and markets are going so that they are prepared to make the right risk / reward judgment calls together with management.
Generally speaking, the term can refer to a widely held set of assumptions or presuppositions, to a particular method of inquiry, or to a speculative philosophy of history.
We now have to determine which of these competing approaches rests on the most warranted set of assumptions and is thus most likely to lead to an accurate interpretation of Whitehead's metaphysics, one adequate to the whole range of relevant texts.
I noted that part of the problem is that we have grown so accustomed to using the word «biblical» prescriptively (to mean, «what God wants») rather than descriptively (to mean, «that which is found in the Bible»), we have forgotten that behind every claim to a biblical lifestyle or ideology lies a complex set of assumptions regarding interpretation and application.
Fascism brought with it a thick set of assumptions about the world's past, present, and future.
Viewed cross-culturally, this is an unusual set of assumptions.
«But with the information we have, the usual set of assumptions that we make about the halo and these particles, their behavior in this halo, things seem to be what you would expect.»
But unfortunately, our culture portrays intimate relationships with a skewed set of assumptions, one of them being that if you think you need couples therapy, then something must horribly be wrong.
The whole thing brings to my mind the collateralized debt bubble, in which incredibly complex models were built atop a pretty narrow set of assumptions and the simple conviction that assumptions could be taken as givens.
North Carolina has a separate set of assumptions for teachers in their first four years on the job, but it switches to these age - based estimates after that.
And this was a charitable set of assumptions: - I assumed no mortgage (and thus no interest costs — a 30 - year fixed went for about 10 % in 1987).
Financial accounting systems such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) have to be based on a relatively rigid set of assumptions that can not in all (or even most) contexts reflect economic reality.
The wide gap between the government - sanctioned CPI and the Shadow Government CPI presents a competing set of assumptions about how to measure the effect of rising prices on the average consumer and the market as a whole.
For Pendleton, abstraction is not a dead, empty visual language, and appropriation is not a form of meaningless relativism, but rather a charged set of assumptions and strategies that, when displaced, offer 21st - century viewers a vital affirmation of the possibility of new orders and narratives.
IPCC makes some assumptions (aka creates a scenarios) about future emissions (in this case the A2 set of assumptions).
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