Sentences with phrase «set of doctrines»

There is no «pure» set of doctrines anymore, people have always picked and chosen.
There is a straight forward set of doctrines that will guarantee us success IF followed.
Usually these groups are conservative or fundamentalist in their theology, with a rather rigid set of doctrines based on a literal interpretation of the Bible.
Rigid adherence to a very strict set of doctrines is not limited to any particular belief, religious or otherwise.
They exist to teach a certain set of doctrines / beliefs to people who want to be indoctrinated in that system, which will convince certain types of churches that they are «experts» in doctrine and perhaps Bible and therefore should make a valued employee who will perpetuate the beliefs of the group.
From Jennifer: I grew up in a conservative, evangelical environment, but have spent the last few years with a growing sense of discomfort with the cookie cutter set of doctrines that I was raised with.
So several of these leaders developed an approved set of doctrines and teachings which should be taught to all the new «converts» in all the churches, and quickly developed a system to train and send out a small army of teachers and priests to distribute these empire - approved church doctrines.
Given this situation, we can understand why Shintõ scholars proudly emphasize that Shintõ is a natural expression of Japanese life, rather than the product of a definite set of doctrines or a conscious conversion.
This kind of divinity offers no justification for any complicated set of doctrines and dogmas that that experience is often used to justify.
If there is ultimately to be no authoritative ecclesiastical institution, no definitive set of doctrines and no clearly definable personal figure to hold Christianity together and promote it, it may at first appear that Christianity will simply disappear.
Because we have concluded that zombies would be properly categorized as both dangerous wild animals and, at the same time, animated human remains, the law would likely seek to apply the rules and regulations concerning both quite different matters in a single hybridized set of doctrines and reject the simple categorization of zombies as mere chattels.
Fundamentalism is the demand to adhere to a very strict set of doctrines.
What is more precisely Lutheran is the setting of that doctrine in a dialectical theological framework.
While many religions might also have such a truth in their set of doctrines, which they might claim are divinely revealed, the truth itself is not dependent on religion.
The life became a routine, a set of doctrines, a denomination, a determined set of do this and don't do that, and your one of US.
Since for many this faith is accompanied by a set of doctrines that includes belief in the literal truth of the Book of Mormon, we have to say that this can be a valid religious belief.
He recognized that liberalism, as a set of doctrines of political morality, could not rest upon, or be defended by appeal to, any form of religious or ethical skepticism, subjectivism, or relativism.
For Christianity is above all a way of life before it is a formulation of belief or a set of doctrines.
Do both What if the gospel was more than just a set of doctrines, but an all - encompassing claim on life?
That is what individuals DO N'T want, they don't want a rigid set of doctrine or beliefs; they want to feel connected to others and themselves and the world through respect and compassion, not flog an ideology that tells them what to believe and how to act and on what basis to judge and often condemn others.
The passive reception of information and someone else's ideas does not constitute education any more than merely giving mental assent to a set of doctrines constitutes Christian faith.
Then the Bible would not be true, the gospel is a set of doctrines founded on the histrorical reality of what Jesus did so we can go to heaven, when we believe these doctrines, we are saved.
In a way, fundamentalism is as much a frame of mind as a set of doctrines, for many Christians hold these convictions without repudiating those who differ.
We do not have a set of doctrines to tell us to deny equal rights to people and for anyone to use their unfounded belief to do so, makes them hypocritical bigots.
For many centuries before the Reformation, there was substantially only one form of Christian teaching and it was clearly set out in a set of doctrines now often referred to as Christian orthodoxy (literally meaning «right belief»).
Theology is neither an academic discipline nor a set of doctrines for Cobb, but a thinking about anything and everything from a Christian perspective.
Sure, that's an argument for my statement, seeing as how atheism does not constitute any set of doctrines of beliefs.
It may be that we are more interested in one set of doctrines than in the other.
Sam, I am coming more and more to see that loving God and loving others is what the kingdom of God is all about, rather than strict adherence to a set of doctrines, which, although true, don't do much to help us love God or others.
Emergency operations or Emergency preparedness is a set of doctrines to prepare civil society to cope with natural or man - made disasters.
Though a missionary endeavour, Moma could not preach too narrow a set of doctrines.
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