Sentences with phrase «set of reforms»

The Western Australian Government has proposed two sets of reforms in order to be able to comply with these requirements.
Our first set of reforms were to vocational qualifications.
As states and cities turn the page on that particular set of reforms, I wanted to pause and reflect on what we can learn from the last eight years.
As you know, we have also recently consulted on a far - reaching set of reforms to our inspection of early years settings, schools and colleges.
We won't get these vital reforms without a fourth and final set of reforms to give us a real, functioning democracy.
To be sure, these cities all pursued different sets of reforms, but they had the common thread that they were all trying to identify and act on differences in teacher performance.
The next most popular set of reforms have been around school improvement, including policies to target the teaching profession and school leadership.
Before setting off, we must be able to make a plausible argument that a given set of reforms will produce improvements of the desired magnitude.
But, it's problematic to suggest that any specific reform or set of reforms caused the one - time jump we saw in 2013.
The most comprehensive set of reforms in the nation will safeguard New York elections from outside influences and mandate transparency in regard to digital political ads.
To identify and support a targeted and focused set of reform initiatives to improve teaching and learning that are planned and implemented collaboratively by labor - management teams in our TURN regions.
That has not stopped the state's Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, from traveling the state to push his own set of reform proposals.
The former DougCo school board and superintendent relentlessly focused on pushing a particular set of reforms on schools without engaging the community in any meaningful way.
In striking down the broader reform bill, Cuomo and Christie embraced their own set of reforms.
You get the people supporting a specific set of reforms,» he said.
To identify and support a targeted and focused set of reform initiatives to improve teaching and learning which are planned and implemented collaboratively by labor - management teams in the TURN regions.
The full set of reforms Page and Simmons propose go well beyond income redistribution because income alone «will not inevitably maximize the well - being of all poor people.»
Governor Cuomo, a Democrat with presidential aspirations, is promoting the bills as «the most progressive set of reforms in the nation,» his aides said.
Though it's the second set of reform proposals made public by the governor since two back - to - back corruption scandals swept through state government this month, Cuomo said he has no plans to put his specifics into print through a program bill, least it hurt an agreement.
The Obama administration has already suggested a very limited set of reforms for PSLF, capping loan forgiveness at $ 57,500 for all students (the maximum that an independent undergraduate can borrow in federal loans) and eliminating the non-Income-Based-Repayment cap.
Rather than requiring parents to «trigger» a restrictive, damaging set of reforms or shop around among wildly divergent charter schools, PAA supports the kind of empowerment which involves parents authentically at the ground level and in district -, state -, and nationwide policy discussions about how to improve schools.
That package, worth 86 billion euros — $ 96.3 billion — is contingent on a new set of reforms from the Greek government, including tax increases and spending cuts.
«It's not an accident that emerging economies are looking at other places because they are frustrated that, frankly, the United States has stalled a very mild and reasonable set of reforms in the IMF,» Lew said.
But taken together, along with the private sector restructuring that was occurring at the same time, they have amounted to a major set of reforms, and have made the Australian economy leaner, more flexible and more competitive.
«Attorney General Schneiderman's comprehensive set of reforms wisely focuses on preventing corruption before it happens, and puts New York State front and center in the fight against corruption in our midst.»
Though the measure struck down by the governors, who would embrace a separate set of reforms, lawmakers re-introduced the legislation in January as they watch to see whether the New Jersey Senate and Assembly can mount of an override of Christie's veto.
Strongest because he is being bold and ambitious in seeking a radical set of reforms which, if accomplished, would transform and revive the Labour party's ailing membership fortunes.
Amber Small, the Democrat running for the seat, wants to see outside income limited for lawmakers and supports a hefty set of reforms to the state's campaign finance system.
Now, there might have been a consensus around a more intelligently crafted set of reforms but this bill is a total nonsense.»
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, who was heavily criticized for failing to deliver on significant ethics reform last year, and Carl Heastie, the new speaker who pledged to make a fresh start in replacing Silver, yesterday announced an agreement on a solid set of reforms striking at the heart of Albany's pay - to - play culture.
Just hours before, Teitelbaum had stated that he doesn't «expect a smart set of reforms» to emerge from the forthcoming effort.
There are no easy answers to these questions, and Carr does not attempt to foist some prepackaged set of reforms to answer them.
These departures cost the district $ 125 million in lost revenues each year and left many school buildings half - empty... The exposé provided an opening for then - Superintendent Michael Bennet and the school board to pursue a more aggressive set of reforms focused on improving school quality and offering families greater choice.»
Ideas for a new set of reform policies, based on empirical evidence and supportive of a unitary, democratic system of education are presented.
Not all low - performing schools need the same set of reforms; the Every Student Succeeds Act requires a more intensive needs assessment process to help schools identify existing strengths and select evidence - based strategies to fill in the gaps.
To help inform these deliberations, this report addresses the most comprehensive set of reforms put forward in the 2013 — 2014 legislative session.
Lessons From Los Angeles Unlike New York City — where philanthropic funding supported a top - down approach to reform, a fairly similar set of reform ideas (school level autonomy, choice, and accountability) have spread more slowly and organically in Los Angeles.
This action is part of Governor Cuomo's Democracy Agenda - a bold set of reforms to ensure elections remain free and transparent and to modernize New York's antiquated voting system.
Since the Kentucky court did not mandate a specific set of reforms, this broad definition is more political rhetoric than a reasonable judicially manageable standard.
Indeed, advocacy groups are typically tone - deaf to some challenges facing entrepreneurs — such as the need for human capital, better R & D, increased access to venture capital, back - office services, and incubation — and are thus unhelpful at cultivating the full set of reforms that might help entrepreneurial ventures to prosper.
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