Sentences with phrase «set of standards»

Because literacy has a new meaning and a new set of standards in this century, in this world, and in our communities.
And it's also hard because everyone is holding onto a different set of standards in terms of better - ness or impact.
The idea of a common set of standards across the country has wide appeal, and the Common Core itself still commands the support of a majority of the public.
It's also interesting how our kids have a totally different set of standards for us than they have for themselves.
(b) specify the manner for making sets of standard charge terms available to the public under subsection 8 (4).
Every lender has its own set of standards when it comes to assessing borrower risk.
Each trim level features a unique set of standard features and options.
An essential part of a sound financial system is the ability to verify assets, and a clear set of standards on how impaired assets should be valued, and equally important, reported.
It can go a long way to have the same set of standards and expectations for both girls and boys and to assign chores without regard to gender.
The Common Core standards for language arts and math are a more rigorous set of standards for all kids to reach.
This move toward a single set of standards has been embraced by a bipartisan crowd of politicians and educators largely because of what the Common Core standards are replacing: a mess.
They require veterinarians to meet a specific set of standards in their practice.
Every type of case has its own unique set of standards.
It is of enormous help to developers to have a uniform set of standards to guide the design of their applications.
One thing that is for sure is this shift to a national set of standards has been revolutionary and highly controversial.
These materials are intended to support a certain set of standards.
We go by a high set of standard during the process of a Real Estate transaction.
What this means, is that vehicles tested more recently, are held to a stricter set of standards as older vehicles.
Therapy dogs can be trained by anyone however; they must meet a particular set of standards in order to be certified as therapy dogs.
All Reading Recovery countries hold a trademark that protects the integrity of Reading Recovery and follow an established set of standards.
Some information can be extracted using automated algorithms or techniques like regular expressions, but these require an available set of standard documents to work from.
Or so promise proponents of a new set of standards known as the Common Core that the state's schools are adopting in full for the first time this fall.
One result was 50 different sets of standards across the country.
The idea is to create a shared set of standards that will allow cameras to communicate with each other and with services in the cloud.
I have found one model of an app review process used by Common Sense Media that has a clearly stated set of standards and criteria.
Each class needed a clear and concise set of standards with precise levels of mastery.
But in doing so we need to hold it, and other companies seeking to enter the connected home market, to a well - defined set of standards around data security and privacy.
I nearly forgot the satisfaction you feel when you work hard and then see your hard work recognized by an objective set of standards.
There is no technically correct set of standards, just as there is no technically correct political party or religion.
The Common Core has as much claim to legitimacy as any previous set of standards.
This dedication begins with its statewide voluntary preschool program for four - year - olds, complete with a strong set of standards.
The problem is, as is often the case, you want one set of standards for your religion's actions and behaviors, and a completely different standard for everyone else.
And third, we've never had a common set of standards before that have been back - mapped from college and career readiness, which is what the Common Core standards are.
This way they enter the field informed and flexible enough to adapt when the next set of standards is presented.
It also launched what amounted to the first real set of standards by which to determine just «how good is good enough» when it comes to student achievement in various subjects.
Having a common set of standards among the states does not mean more tests.
The study found that female entrepreneurs are asked different questions and judged on a different set of standards compared to their male counterparts.
If the law allowed businesses to deny certain coverage by stating a moral objection that would completely undermine the purposeful setting of standards.
This is the «entry level» set of standards often used by large commodity coffee companies.
I do believe however that the time has come when we have to have more functional nutrition recommendations and acknowledge that no one set of standards fits every individual need.
This sort of thing has accompanied every past set of standards of every sort, and it's perfectly legitimate.
And it was well on the way to finishing a companion set of standards for world history.
The issue of national standards raises numerous questions: Will having one common set of standards aid school reform efforts and promote student achievement?

Phrases with «set of standards»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z