Sentences with phrase «set tight deadlines»

But President Obama has set a tight deadline.
Set a tight deadline for each step of the process — generally, the quicker the arbitration the less expensive it will be.

Not exact matches

Although CIHT welcomes the principles of this new scheme, the Institution believes the challenge in setting up new local transport bodies should not be underestimated, particularly given the tight deadlines for the new processes to be implemented.
In rushing to meet a tight deadline set by NIH, Snow said her panel also avoided examining how literacy is acquired, both at school and in informal settings, and focused just on adult literacy.
Every online corporate training project comes with its own unique set of obstacles such as a tight deadline or the difficulty of organizing an abundance of training materials.
Set these disconcerting figures against a backdrop of harried, overworked admissions officers under pressure to read thousands of applications on tight deadlines, the fierce competition among colleges to maintain their selectivity, and the need to enroll enough affluent students to generate revenue, and the manifold obstacles low - income students already face appear impassable.
Many scholars enrolled in even the best degree programs globally in best colleges and universities are frequently unable to grapple the pressures of several homework submissions, incompatible deadlines, tight semester schedules in addition to managing mid-term and end semester exam with submissions of high - quality research essays, homework problem sets and further university writing necessities.
New bugs and changing features can drastically set back projects already operating on a tight deadline.
However, a major obstacle in doing so is the tight deadlines that federal officials have set for states to submit compliance plans.
Create Resume Chris McCann 100 Broadway LaneNew Parkland, CA, 91010Cell: (555) 987-1234 [email protected] Professional Summary Resourceful Scheduler who meticulously orchestrates simultaneous project operations while meeting tight deadlines and maintaining optimal efficiency in fast - paced settings.
Self - motivated to set effective priorities and meet tight deadlines in a fast paced environment.
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