Sentences with phrase «setting small goals»

It is definitely a matter of setting small goals and sometimes waiting on something like the dishes in order to begin a larger project.
Having a strategic plan and setting small goals is essential to moving forward in a positive way when it comes to reuniting with your children.
By setting small goals along the way toward that big dream I kept the dream alive, really felt like I was achieving what I'd set out to do.
Setting small goals helps you accomplish little victories along the way — which can be very important in maintaining motivation to achieve the bigger goal: writing a book.
I love the idea of setting small goals.
And I totally agree with setting small goals for fitness and healthy living!
Setting small goals has helped me so much!
Development often comes from setting small goals and achieving them.
Setting small goals and keeping records of my progress also help me to stay consistent.
Studies have shown that setting small goals is actually more effective for creating lasting change, which is exactly what you want when it comes to improving your health.
Instead of tackling it all at once, start by setting small goals for yourself that you know you can achieve.
«It's all about setting small goals, and figuring out what you want to do to get there.»
To her two younger sisters, she was a shining example of what could be accomplished by setting small goals and working to achieve them.
Help your child work on these social skills by setting small goals.
However, I fully believe in setting small goals on a regular basis and that we should always ask the world for more.
We are setting small goals and keeping a close eye on the money we do have.
On Wednesday, the company reiterated reaching 5,000 by the end of the second quarter and set a smaller goal of 2,500 per week by the end of the first quarter.
Set some smaller goals if necessary.
If you're hoping to get washboard abs with the help of a workout, try setting some smaller goals.
I think it is more realistic for new sellers to set small goals (e.g. I will use eBay profits to pay for my child's birthday party or for an upcoming vacation).
Helping her set small goals — that she can accomplish — fosters feelings of self - esteem.
And I set small goals — one month, three months, and so on.
Set small goals for your child to reach his or her benchmarks so he or she can see and feel the growth in skills.
I think it's important to set a small goal of even making it through the day when first getting started.
Something I had heard while pregnant reminded me to take it one day at a time and set small goals.
Now that you've worked out your final goal, it's time to set small goals over this time to work towards.
I've set small goals, big goals, S.M.A.R.T. goals, short - and long - term goals, and every type of goal in between.
That's why I tell people to break it up into smaller goals, so then you can set these smaller goals that you can work toward and once you achieve that goal you can be proud of yourself and celebrate the small achievements.
Set small goals, week by week.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, set small goals and try to be consistent with your workouts.
Set small goals to lose weight.
Write down the «why» and set a small goal you can achieve with your exercise regime.
Set small goals for yourself daily like drinking a certain amount of water, or eating all of your greens.
Set small goals for the near future, achieve them and grow further.
Set small goals daily, and if you fail just do better the next day!
And most importantly I set small goals.
I know it's probably not that exciting, but perhaps it can encourage you to set small goals in your life.
Just set small goals for yourself to acheive, i try and do this as comparing is not productive, but as was said, natural.
Set smaller goals and realistic expectations.
I am with you, I have to set small goals that I know I will be able to accomplish (or will be easier!).
Rather than planning year - long objectives, follow this weekend date idea and set small goals with your love, like exercising five days each week, scheduling regular date nights, and planning ahead for your weekly meals at home.
Students need to learn to set small goals and large goals to be successful in school and life.
Besides, The Race is a great way to help writers set smaller goals that are in their control to get to larger dreams.
Setting smaller goals like paying off debt, increasing your income, starting a business etc. can help you reach financial independence.
By setting these smaller goals you'll always feel like you're - almost - there — making you want to push forward.
It also enables me to make approximate estimates looking ahead of what my income will be, and I can set small goals which is much more achievable than hoping some millionaire businessmen that has no interest in me will bid my holdings up to a level that will allow me to have a good lifestyle.
One way to help you set small goals is to think about what is possible in what time frame.
Setting smaller goals that can be accomplished on a weekly or even daily basis can break down the process.
They dream big but set small goals along the way, and they always celebrate when they reach these milestones.
Set small goals for yourself.
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