Sentences with phrase «several analyses»

Before this, several analyses of the comet environment are scheduled from an approximate orbit of 10 km from the comet.
Given that the study quality of retrospective studies is often questioned we conducted several analyses in order to investigate the potential influence of these studies.
Several analyses laid out the complex regulatory and liability issues.
It has been tried and tested through several analysis that there is a stark difference between the search results achieved through a paid app and a free one.
The sorry part is that several analysis of the fund ignore its history.
The short - term residence time has been shown based on several analyses compiled by Tom Segalstad to be 5 to 15 years.
And for now, that legal liability «remains an open question,» wrote Fang, who has published several analyses of retractions, misconduct, and the scientific enterprise.
Moreover, Shawn provides several analysis tools you can use either before or after you have written your novel.
Though Cebrian has done several analyses of Twitter, he himself doesn't tweet.
Integrating the results from several analyses helps scientists gain a better understanding of cancer, much like combining magenta, cyan, and yellow inks can generate vibrant color prints.
If this issue came to the fore in response to a specific film, it also played a substantial role in several analyses of The Killers and Dirty Harry and started to appear regularly in career retrospectives as critics of the»70s and onwards began to re-evaluate earlier films in the light of later works (30).
Here's an idea for the coal industry — if you are so genuinely concerned about the average consumer's electricity bill rising as a result of climate and energy legislation (an increase which several analyses show will be minimal anyway)-- then please, by all means, go ahead and shoulder the cost increase yourself.
Several analyses focused on missing data.36 To explore missing data patterns, we coded loss to follow - up as a binary variable and tested baseline variables as predictors using a stepwise logistic regression.
Several analyses suggest that the relation between diabetes family functioning and adherence varies with age (Anderson & Laffel, 1997; Waller et al., 1986), with the relation between parental guidance and control and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) being weaker in adolescents than in younger children (McKelvey et al., 1993; Waller et al.).
However, we conducted several analyses testing for main and interactive effects of age as a continuous variable for comparison, which replicated the results to be reported for the two age groups.
«In the abstract, I think everyone agrees that a principle investigator has to take responsibility for whatever goes on in his or her lab,» says Ferric Fang, a microbiologist at the University of Washington, Seattle, who has published several analyses of retractions, misconduct, and the scientific enterprise.
There are several analysis tools available but Zillow, etc. doesn't cut it for me.
He's presented research findings based on several analyses he's done that suggest once sucralose levels in a body of water rise above 57 parts per trillion, it's an indicator that the water is experiencing some level of human impact and the onset of eutrophication — nutrient loading that can encourage plant growth and suffocate animal life.
Several analyses of state standards in reading / language arts have been conducted by groups such as the American Federation of Teachers (AFT, 1996), the Fordham Foundation (Stotsky, 1997), and the Council for Basic Education (CBE, 1997).
But several analyses, including the City Council's own, have found the explanation doesn't add up.
A controversial reform measure headed for the 2016 ballot could cut public pension costs by giving taxpayers a say on retirement plans — but it could upend collective bargaining in the process, according to several analyses.
This symptom should be alarming; a vet will perform several analysis and x-rays to determine the problem.
Several analyses of scholarly publications suggest widespread agreement among climate scientists that human activity is the primary cause of climate change.1
Several analyses of the 2007 Senate climate bill, the Lieberman - Warner Climate Security Act (including studies done by the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency (pdf)-RRB- show that we can cut global warming pollution significantly while maintaining a strong economy and containing energy costs.
However, most (over 90 %) of the energy imbalance goes into the ocean, and several analyses have now shown this.
I have also been responsible for various recruitment, interviews, evaluations and several analyses.
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