Sentences with phrase «several biographies»

That is why it is better to prepare several biography versions of different size beforehand.
After growing up a little and reading several biographies about her, I came to pity her rather than look up to her.
Not only did I see examples of her autograph, but I discovered several biographies about her.
The intimidating Frank Sinatra has been the subject of several biographies, most famously Kitty Kelley's 1986 hatchet job.
Jim Grant is not only a financial thought leader, with his erudite, insightful and entertaining newsletter, Grant's Interest Rate Observer, he is also a highly regarded and prolific financial historian who has penned several biographies, John Adams» and Bernard Baruch's among them.
Several biographies in recent years — of Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Arshile Gorky, among them — brought parts of that history to life.
There have been several biographies and now John Bew, author of Castlereagh, and a frequent contributor to the New Statement has written what looks like a stimulating reassessment Citizen Clem A Biography of Attlee (Riverrun # 30) published on 1 September.
His work lit up the Contemporary sales in New York and several biographies have come out further cementing his position as the most important artist of the late 20th Century and the market leader of the 21st Century.
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