Sentences with phrase «several blog posts»

Our nursing home abuse lawyers have written several blog posts on nursing home abuse to share within our law office's blog, educating readers on the prevalence of this type of abuse.
I've written several blog posts on defining Christian fiction and Christian romance.
I'm going to turn the big 40 this year and saw several blogs posted about CR products, would love to try their super serum.
I've got to warn you, I think my next several blog posts also feature these trousers!
I have carried it in several blog posts already, take it to work, and use it for my everyday life.
Recently, there have been several blog posts saying it's a bad idea.
Recently, there have been several blog posts hinting it's a bad idea.
In our blog section we have decided to dedicate several blog posts to the difference between those levels as well as help understand how to be more effective in resume writing.
If you've written several blog posts on a single subject, you may be able to combine those blogs into a well - formatted eBook that covers the topic.
BLOG: If your school has an active blog, feature your salad bar fundraiser in several blog posts that provide updates on your progress.
However, finding the time to write several blog posts each week or month can be distracting and a drain on time.
This is the doctrine of election, which we will consider over the next several blog posts.
Leithart publishes several blog posts per day about religion and public life.
I only summarized about 10 pages of notes in the last several blog posts, and still had over 80 pages to go.
In the wake of announcing its first round of layoffs this afternoon, Google has released several blog posts detailing the upcoming shutdown of a number of services (compiled here by Danny Sullivan).
I took boatloads of notes that day and have enough material for several blog posts which I will write up in the coming weeks.
Last Thursday I finally sat down to knock out several blog posts while I watched the Olympics and I realized how little time I've had to dedicate to the blog lately!
I've written several blog posts lately about doing your e-learning work in the cloud.
Hugh Howey has come out swinging in several blog posts analyzing Amazon's position, Hachette's position, and arguing with the -LSB-...]
There are several blog posts worth of brain dump I can provide on that topic, but let's start at the beginning:
I have received a number of e-mails and read several blog posts in response to my recent column in Law Technology News, Legal Blogs Are Dead!
Sometimes it's easier to set aside time to go on a writing blitz and compose several blog posts at once in order to get them out of the way.
I've come across several blog posts with some great ideas for home decor projects using a stretched canvas, so the other day when I read yet another post about all of the amazing and beautiful wall hangings that can be created on a stretched canvas, it reminded me of my own creation that I put together last summer.
Over the last month, Kristen Lamb has written several blog posts about how authors need to have a business - oriented mindset if income is a goal.
In our last several blog posts, we've shared three of the four conditions that Stiggins and Chappuis insist must be met to ensure the effective use of student - involved classroom assessment.
Our nursing home abuse lawyers have written several blog posts on nursing home abuse to share within...
Based on the complexity of activities and spending that I carefully detail and discuss throughout the chapter, Joe Romm in several blog posts has taken this complexity and created a misleading, horse - race style debate over spending in specific areas like lobbying or advertising.
However, as a matter of fact, I spend much more of my real research time on the international relations aspects of the problem (and I've also written several blog posts about this in the past).
With the benefit of hindsight, Zuckerberg's several blog posts on the matter could have been attempts to distract us.
In several blog posts, we have mentioned that contrarian sports investing methods for the NHL turned cold after a hot start.
The links between these toxic foods and obesity are discussed in our book and in several blog posts (see Why We Get Fat: Food Toxins, Jan 20, 2011, and Wheat and Obesity: More from the China Study, Sep 4, 2010).
I have been wearing this Black Gold Cluster Necklace a LOT and you may have seen it on my instagram and in several blog posts.
Over the past year, I've written several blog posts and created an ebook that documents some of the work done and lessons learned through our implementation which has been recognized by Project Red, Apple, Inc. and the National School Boards Association.
A few weeks ago, I wrote several blog posts about the necessity of proper tire maintenance while driving in Denver and along the Front Range.
My search led me to several blog posts and websites about eBook formatting, and within a day I was convinced that we didn't need to hire someone to format the book for us, we (well, I) could format it ourselves!
Although I've never met him, last year I was so impressed by his blogging and pre-publication book marketing that I wrote several blog post about the way Mike chronicled his experiences writing and promoting his book.
Before you can set up your blog, you'll need to write some content — several blog posts and a few blog pages — especially your «About» page (or biography), where people assessing you as a potential candidate can find out whether you're a good fit for their needs.
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