Sentences with phrase «several bright galaxies»

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As well as the SMC itself this very wide - field image reveals many background galaxies and several star clusters, including the very bright 47 Tucanae globular cluster at the right of the picture.
Using observations from several telescopes, Yale University astronomer Pieter van Dokkum and colleagues studied 10 bright clumps of stars within the galaxy, known as globular clusters, and measured their velocities.
Bright spots in the map include the Crab Nebula, which hosts a radiation - spewing stellar corpse called a pulsar, and several blazars, violent active galaxies where colossal black holes accelerate particles to more than 99 % the speed of light.
The first clue that supermassive black holes exist was the discovery several decades ago of quasars — extremely bright objects in the centres of distant galaxies.
But recently, a survey has found several quasars — bright cores of galaxies, powered by matter falling into a supermassive black hole — that existed less than a billion years after the big bang.
The cD galaxies will have several bright concentrations in them instead of just one at the center.
This map shows 600 of the brightest galaxies within 7.5 degrees of the centre of the cluster - this is an arbitary border, there are many other galaxies beyond this limit especially to the south of the cluster where there are several additional galaxy groups.
Maunakea, Hawaii — Astronomers using several of the largest telescopes on Earth and space have discovered the brightest galaxy yet found in the early Universe and have strong evidence that examples... Read more»
The GBT has joined Spektr - R in several observations of active galactic nuclei, the supermassive black holes lurking inside galaxies that are bright in radio waves.
It is an obvious group of galaxies because it contains several of the brightest galaxies in the sky (although they are all too faint to be seen with the naked eye).
For an object to appear as bright as most quasars do at their calculated distances, it must emit more energy than several dozen galaxies put together.
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