Sentences with phrase «several cancers»

Studies show a lower risk of several cancers in people who eat more fruit or citrus fruit, compared with people who eat the least.
Its acceptance as a weight loss / maintenance tool and its theoretical ability to improve outcomes in several cancers related to obesity and carbohydrate intolerance is very encouraging.
While the relationship between diet and cancer is far from established, research suggests that a plant - based diet is associated with reduced risks for several cancers.
Men with a bent penis have a significantly increased risk from several cancers, according to a new study.
Supporters of the measure say more time is needed because several cancer screenings are recommended only every three years.
In turn, this may lower your risk of several cancers as well as arthritis and certain allergies.
They were able to block proliferation of several cancer stem cell lines.
Even small increases in activity at a population level could have far - reaching positive impacts on chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and several cancers [1 - 4].
The role of diet in cancer is far from established, but research suggests that a plant - based diet is associated with reduced risks for several cancers, especially colon cancer.
Comparing people with and without cancer, the studies show lower risk of several cancers in those who eat more fruits compared to those who eat relatively few.
This cancer treatment, known as biological response modifier therapy or immunotherapy, has been effective against several cancers in clinical trials.
Mutation of this receptor — which is already the target of several cancer drugs either approved or in development — causes a proliferation of cancer cells.
The «new RECA» expands the universe of workers eligible for federal compensation to include open - pit uranium miners, uranium millworkers and ore - hauling truck drivers; expands the list of compensatory illnesses and causes of death to include several cancers in addition to lung cancer, certain nonmalignant respiratory diseases, and diseases of the kidney.
Listen to the podcast below by Moon Shot ™ co-leaders, Cathy Eng, M.D., professor of GI Medical Oncology, and Erich Sturgis, M.D., professor of Head & Neck Surgery, as they outline the goals of this Moon Shot in detecting and treating several cancers caused by the human papillomavirus.
A weakened immune system is thought to increase a person's risk of getting several cancers caused by other viruses, including non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin lymphomas; anogenital cancers, including penile, vaginal / vulvar, cervix, and anal; Kaposi sarcoma; and possibly oral - related cancers; and liver cancer.
As a result, I established close working relationships with oncologist working on several cancer indications at several institutions including: Dr. Peter Boas...
«We hope our collective action will inspire confidence in parents, young adults and physicians to take advantage of this rare opportunity to prevent several cancers in the next generation.»
«I have absolutely no doubt that several years from now there will be several vaccines approved for several cancer indications
Overall cancer risk from several cancers due to oral contraceptive use: Kahlenborn C. Breast Cancer, Its Link to abortion and the Birth Control Pill, 2000.
Scientists at the Nanjing Cancer Institute compared the incidence of several cancers among thousands of people who ate lots of allium vegetables versus thousands who ate little or none.
In one eye - opening review of recent research, Charles Drake, M.D., Ph.D., of Johns Hopkins, who is also a member of CRI's clinical trials network, discussed several cancer vaccines that are making progress, including coxsackievirus A21, an oncolytic virus vaccine being studied in late stage melanoma, and NewLink's algenpantucel - L in pancreatic cancer (HyperAcute ® pancreas).
NEW YORK (AP)- Biotech drugmaker Amgen will buy cancer drug maker Onyx Pharmaceuticals for about $ 10.4 billion in cash in a deal that will add several cancer drugs to Amgen's stable and boost its pipeline of new drugs.
Ailing Sen. Tom Libous is back at the Capitol on Tuesday following several cancer surgeries, an infection and a prolonged recovery period.
Cancer - free following his latest quarterly checkup, ex-Buffalo Bills Hall - of - Fame quarterback Jim Kelly is drawing on his experiences to aid others battling head and neck cancer, teaming up with several cancer organizations and pharmaceutical giant Merck to produce a promotional campaign titled «Your Cancer Game Plan,» which debuted today.
Various studies suggest the vapors from e-cigarettes contain several cancer - causing substances, as well as incredibly tiny particles of tin, chromium, nickel and other heavy metals, which, in large enough concentrations, can damage the lungs.
«Genomic data across several cancers further suggest this therapeutic strategy may aid many cancer patients, including those with stomach and colon cancers.»
Dr. Jochen Maurer and his research group were able to cultivate several cancer stem cell lines from triple receptor - negative breast cancer that are excellent representations of the original tumors they isolated from the patients.
If ponatinib had been cleared under the proposed new scheme, however, several cancer doctors worry that the deleterious impacts may not have been picked up as quickly.
Biden will talk about his plan this afternoon at the White House before attending an event featuring several cancer research and advocacy leaders.
The study examined more than 26,000 people whose anonymized data contributed to the Clinical Practice Research Datalink; this is a large research database used by the Exeter team in several cancer studies.
As the «medical mischief» caused in part by an underestimation of the frequency of early spontaneous remissions has become apparent, doctors have had to abandon several cancer screening programs.
«We also found that methylnaltrexone reduced tumor growth and spread in several cancer models,» Singleton said.
By destroying several cancer signals at once, they are designed to make it hard for cancers to escape the effects of treatment, giving them promise as potential «resistance - busting» drugs.
The SMC hosted the Lancet for this briefing on a recent study which found that taking a daily low - dose of aspirin may significantly reduce the risk of developing several cancers.
Longo now has clinical trials underway at several cancer centers worldwide to see if his diet improves outcomes as well.
Cucumbers have been connected to reducing risk of several cancers like breast, ovarian, uterine and prostate cancer.
Recent attempts on extensive trials of cancer vaccines, using viral structures or substructures against several cancers such as cervices, prostate, lung, pancreatic and skin also failed to produce the overall protective clinical outcomes
However, Hispanics have higher rates of several cancers related to infections (stomach, liver, and cervix) and are more likely to have cancer detected at a later stage.
It's no secret, dogs can identify several cancers, including prostrate, breast, colon, lung, thyroid, ovarian, and melanoma.
Some marine species, such as those of mollusks and sponges, can yield several cancer - fighting agents.
With the recession hitting the construction industry particularly hard, Adamson has expanded the foundation to help other local charities, including several cancer charities.
Currently, his lab investigates immunotherapies including checkpoint inhibitors and vaccines for several cancer types, and is focused on developing improved biomarkers for the clinic.
Our world - class scientists, including three Nobel Laureates, have revolutionized prevention, detection and treatment for several cancers and other diseases.
«This result opens up the potential to develop a novel anti-cancer drug that is derived from a common condiment that could have a lasting impact on treating several cancers
«Eating pulses may help to prevent several cancers, lower cholesterol, control blood glucose levels, optimize blood pressure, reduce heart and peripheral artery disease and promote gut health and liver function.»
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