Sentences with phrase «several conversations»

The first 2 months of actively job hunting again after being out of work for so long consisted of several conversations with recruiters attempting to place me in lower level positions.
Lately I've found myself engaged in several conversations about the place of forgiveness and grace in the context of bullying and abuse.
Have several conversations about what she needs to be different about this pregnancy and this birth.
A recent thread on Reddit covering the issue is one of several conversations around the web discussing the problem.
But after several conversations with current clients on that very strategy, I realized that there were still many unanswered questions.
I've had several conversations like these through the years.
We've got several conversations ongoing but you have to have a willing seller and a willing buyer and we're not a desirable location right now.
We've had several conversations since then and each one I can tell she's excited about her journey into cloth.
Because we reached a mature age, we are more cautious when it comes to relationship, preferring to talk and have several conversations before actually deciding to date someone.
Lastly, for all couples planning to become parents, it is essential to have several conversations regarding the parenting model from which the couple would like to parent.
It is a noisy, crazy time with all the kids running around, and several conversations going on at once.
After several conversations with the same person on a dating site, you may find that he can receive more personal information.
After several conversations, he helped her make the decision to pursue her dream!
My wife and I recently had several conversations about this.
But over the course of several conversations it's become clear that what he wants (all possible medical options readily available for mother and child) is not going to change.
You don't need to get it all out at once; you can spread it over several conversations.
After several conversations between Deutsch and O'Neill, the NYPD pledged to purchase and distribute the new vests to auxiliary officers over the course of the next 18 months.
After a few months of dating and several conversations for upcoming events with his friends The classic player is likely to be having sex with multiple You've signed up for an online dating site.
As part of several conversations at the Tribeca Film Festival, some of Hollywood's biggest names offered acting advice and useful tidbits from their journeys to the top of the industry.
The President has reportedly told U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt during several conversations that he supports Pruitt's plan for a «red - team, blue - team» debate aimed at challenging the prevailing scientific consensus about humans» impact on climate change, a senior administration official reportedly told E&E News.
This has led to several conversations by administrative professionals in discussion groups about which is better for the candidates to possess: years of experience on the job as an administrative professional or a four - year degree.
This topic was of great interest at my mother's group this morning and I appreciate you sparking several conversations on both Halloween and intolerance.
Though I do recall several conversations I had during that pre-speech reception, I do not have any recollection of meeting or talking to the Russian ambassador or any other Russian officials.
And one of the most poignant differences I noticed was in the culture of testimonies as it was practiced in these churches: Several conversations opened with the question, «So, how did you come to Christ?»
This story, in four acts, is drawn from several conversations with ScienceInsider and from his memoir, which Elsayed has given ScienceInsider his permission to quote extensively.
This is nice as the communication process in eHarmony does take a bit of time, so this extended free period is helpful to make sure you're making it through several conversations (and hopefully some first dates!)
With just a couple weeks left before the 2016 Sundance Film Festival begins, organizers have unveiled several conversations that will take place during the annual event, featuring some of the most iconic filmmakers working today.
Following several conversations with stakeholders, fellows have identified the following issue areas to focus their advocacy and policy recommendations on:
The team created a rubric that emphasized their top priorities in improving conversational skills, established a consistent scoring approach, and scored several conversations on these dimensions.
Carolyn and I have had several conversations wishing that we could help artists learn the actual skills of sales.
It took several conversations (about why presents aren't the best thing about Christmas) before he would sing it, but now he starts right in from the first word!
Lounge - y Seating: To make a large room feel cozier, Phillip created several conversation nooks — like that pair of slipper chairs by the fireplace — within the overall seating arrangement.
O'Neill said she got nowhere in several conversations with the manager of the hospital's team that deals with payments directly from consumers.
My OB / GYN and I have had several conversations about what my odds are for having a healthy pregnancy on my own and to use his words, if I became pregnant, «we would need to have a very difficult conversation.»
There are several conversations between director Joan Kron and her subjects where they discuss everything from their noses, to their careers.
2018-04-08 17:35 After a few months of dating and several conversations for upcoming events with his friends The classic player is likely to be having sex with multiple Is the guy hitting on you playing or genuine?
Controllers communicated via headsets, often listening to several conversations at once.
This has led to several conversations by administrative professionals in discussion groups about which...
This has been highlighted by other outlets and the topic of several conversations during the recent NIC 2015 Capital & Business Strategies Forum.
I've had several conversations on this matter that all concluded in a very simple manor.
In several conversations with friends and family — and the social media flurry that cites more opinions than facts and faith — I've come across more Christians resistant and even vitriolic toward Muslims — whether Muslims of the moderate majority or radically violent minority.
But over the course of several conversations and consulting with our head of product Alexandra Stried, I realized that I was wrong.
I was concerned in several conversations, with me undertaking most of the listening, about the prospect of a sharp oil price tag spike, if the Opec exporters» cartel, getting broken US shale producers by dragging prices down, starts off limiting source as soon as much more.
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