Sentences with phrase «several cycling races»

 Over the past few months, several cycling races have been held, much to local sports enthusiasts and locals delight.

Not exact matches

Democrats also hope to be competitive in the Hudson Valley, where there have been several narrow Senate races in recent election cycles.
While most nonprofit groups operate in multiple races, in part to demonstrate to the I.R.S. that they are not overly attached to individual candidates, several have emerged this cycle with what appears to be the sole purpose of supporting a single candidate.
However, throughout the past several election cycles Republicans have unsuccessfully pumped significant financing into campaigns hoping to win control of the seat, including a race between Latimer and GOP candidate Bob Cohen during a 2012 election that broke a record for most money spent — $ 4.5 million in total — during a New York political race at the time.
Joining Rivera to do some last - minute campaigning were Dan Padernacht, a former candidate in the race whose base would have come from Amalgamated and elsewhere in Kingsbridge Heights; Councilman Oliver Koppell, wearing an American flag - themed tie on what he called «my holy day» (election day); and Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz, who brought a campaign box (see photo)-- his secret campaign weapon developed over the course of several election cycles — and a box of Mallomars for his mother.
The era of the super PAC spending in state legislative races — when the ad buys, especially in upstate media markets can go a long way — has been around for the last several election cycles.
New York is home to several competitive House races once again this cycle including campaigns from Long Island to parts of upstate New York.
The winner of that race will advance on the GOP line to take on veteran Democratic Rep. Tim Bishop, whom the Republicans have been trying (without success) to oust for several cycles now.
The 60th Senate district has been a notoriously crowded battleground over the last several election cycles — making it an unpredictable race every year.
In New York, a judge drew the House lines, making our state's House races competitive for the next several election cycles.
The 19th district has been the site of several high stakes House races in recent election cycles, several of which featured candidates whose ties to the district had been criticized for being relatively new.
The 60th Senate district has been something of a wildcard race over the last several election cycles and defies prediction.
In 2002, Mr. Lasher contributed to Tim Bishop's Congressional upset in Suffolk County, and in the past election cycle he worked on several races, among them Working Families Party candidate Letitia James» successful City Council bid, for the seat left vacant when James Davis was murdered in City Hall last summer; Steve Levy's winning bid for Suffolk County Executive (the first Democrat elected for that seat since 1987); and Arlene Bluth's failed bid for Civil Court against Shlomo Hagler in Manhattan.
Interspersed with the first - person - shooter levels are several light cycle races.
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