Sentences with phrase «several greenhouse gases»

Burning fossil fuels for transportation and energy generates carbon dioxide, the most abundant of several greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere.
They applied their model to several greenhouse gas emission scenarios and found that if emissions rapidly grow in future years, Antarctica alone could contribute well over 1 metre to global sea level by 2100.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is just one of several greenhouse gases which cause the global warming effect.
TXU was then the state's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, one of several greenhouse gases widely thought to be fueling global warming.
Examples of the atmospheric lifetime and GWP relative to CO2 for several greenhouse gases are given in the following table:
In the recent demonstration, * NIST's pair of laser frequency combs measured the simultaneous signatures of several greenhouse gases — including carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor — along a 2 - kilometer path between a NIST laboratory roof in Boulder, Colo., and a nearby mesa.
Taking this a step further, an analysis of high resolution spectral data allows scientists to quantitatively attribute the increase in downward radiation to each of several greenhouse gases (Evans 2006).
Taking this a step further, an analysis of high resolution spectral data allowed scientists to quantitatively attribute the increase in downward radiation to each of several greenhouse gases.
Several greenhouse gases, which are in part or entirely produced by human activities, have accumulated in the atmosphere since approximately the middle of the 19th century.
Evans et al. (2006) took it a step further, performing an analysis of high resolution specral data which allowed them to quantitatively attribute the increase in downward radiation to each of several greenhouse gases.
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